Debt Crisis and Other Rants

 By now we’ve all heard the news that the USA is out of money.  Funny thing is, I don’t think we really are.  Because if this is the case, then why are government officials still getting their million dollar pay checks?  It’s those of us that are in the poor house that they want to eliminate.  It’s repeated just like it was with Hitler and the Jews.  Think about it.  Get your history books out.  Take a look all the way back in history and follow from then until now.

I actually wrote a letter last week to the President of the USA and to the House and the Senate.  This is part of what I wrote.

Dear Mr. President, House and Senate,
I can fix the so called Debt Crisis for you.  Here’s how:
1.  Bring your salary, your staff, House, Senate, Federal, State, and Local government officials salary down to where most salary’s are:  $18,000-$25,000. per year
2.  Make your staff, House, Senate, Federal, State and Local government officials pay for their own health care benefits like most red blooded americans do.
3.  Get rid of all your expensive vehicles.  You can drive used cars like the rest of us.
4.  Many of you live in mansions.  Sorry, time to move out.  You can live in the projects with us, or in a standard family home.  You can pay your own utilities, phone, cable or dish, computer, cells just like the rest of us do.
5.  Every time you have to take a trip, you get to pay for it, just like the rest of us.
6.  As for Medicare and Social Security.   I’ve paid into that my whole life.  That is MY money.  Not yours.  I worked my hiney off for that so I could collect it now that my Dr. refuses to let me go back to work because of my health issues.
7.  Their are many of us that need that income.  We earned it.  Those that are taking advantage of the system and those of us who know who they are and can prove it, You need to listen to us and follow thru right away to get them off.  They didn’t earn my money.  I did.  I’ve contacted my State several times to report a family I know that is taking advantage of the system.
The wife claims she only works Part-time, which is a lie.  I know she works Full-time and I know her boss.  They claim her husband lost his job and can’t find a new job.  That’s also a lie.  Why?  Because he has his own business.  He is in Construction and has built one complete sub-division in my neighborhood.  Drive by and look at the signs in the yard:  Construction by ___________.  This family gets free medical, housing, money, etc.. and they are working.  Funny, I haven’t worked since Sept. 2010 and I have yet to receive one single penny from the government.
8.  No more expensive dinners for any of you.  Start eating at local establishments like me.  This is what keeps our small towns in business.  Support the local businesses, then  people like Walmart won’t come in and take completely over.
9.  Oh yeah, and while we’re on the subject of Walmart, they and other large businesses can bring the jobs back to the USA.  No more going overseas to where the help is cheap and the quality sucks.  I was poisened by a Walmart Pharmacy.  The medication that I was getting from them, I found out that their drug supplier is from India.  This is why they can sell their drugs for $4.  The medication that I got, the drug company is not regulated by our FDA.  The company was using DRY-WALL FILLER as a base in the medications.  Don’t believe me.  I will give you all the documentation that I traced on the company and all the lawsuits against the company.  Walmart should be fined trillions for this.  They are part of the problem why they aren’t jobs in America.  After Sam Walton died, the kids GOT GREEDY, just like the GOVERNMENT.
10.  Any company that is here in the USA, has to use United States Citizens as employees.  Not those on Green Cards, USA citizens.  
11.  If you reside here, you speak ENGLISH, you understand ENGLISH, you write in ENGLISH.  If you want to speak another language, then go to that country and become a citizen over there.
12. As for you Mr. President, you should not be president of the USA.  It has nothing to do with the color of your skin.  (I have relatives that are black).  I know what you did in the State of IL with Mr. Blagovich.  Both of you belong in prison.  You were just as much at fault as he was.  You were running a pool with IL seats and making money under-handedly.  This is illegal.  If more people would have known about your scheme and the illegal things that you’ve done in IL, you wouldn’t have been voted for.

If you want to come and get me because of what I wrote to you…….fine……I’m not afraid of you.  But I betcha you wouldn’t be caught dead in my neighborhood.  I’m poor.  I live on ZERO income.  I use the Food Pantry for groceries or my daughters garden.  I buy my clothes at Goodwill, and I drive a car that is 15 yrs. old.  I’m a pion compared to you.  But, Mr. President, it’s people like me that our votes count when the next election comes along.  And again, I will not vote for you. 

Carol F………
75 N……………

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July 31, 2011

The debt “crisis” isn’t really a crisis. Yes, we have debt, but it’s not out of control. It’s normal and desirable for the government to run a deficit during a recession (big corporations won’t hire more Americans, so if we want to get the economy going, the government has to). If you look at the history books, you’ll see that radicals gain power by telling you there’s a crisis when there isn’t.

July 31, 2011

Also, there is a lot of money in our country, but it’s mostly in the hands of big corporations, not the government. It was in the news recently that Apple, the world’s largest tech company, has more cash than the US government. Other corporations have almost as much. How? They employ few Americans, make all their products in China, and hoard the profits instead of using them to create jobs.

July 31, 2011

Did you really send that letter? You’re brave!

July 31, 2011

One other thing… Government employees haven’t gotten a raise since Obama came into office. Most Americans haven’t either. And the Constitution limits Congress’ ability to cut its own pay. But the average Fortune 500 CEO got a raise of 23% last year! (Yes, a 23% raise in one year!)

July 31, 2011 you really think he’ll be the one to read it? (if they open it).. and more so, reply?

July 31, 2011

I have considered changing churches. So far I haven’t found anything that suits me like Catholicism. I have considered becoming a nun, but that lifestyle hardly suits me either. Then again I should be trying to conform to God’s will, not mine.

July 31, 2011

We find the entire debt crisis a strange thing in Canada. I think many of the points that you have made are valid. I do hope things get better for you.

August 1, 2011

Great post – but it is too sensible… I donk think those people listen to sensible. My favourite word of the day… thanks to you.. is….. Hiney 🙂

August 1, 2011

RE: I don’t know anything at all about politics, but I am glad that you are standing up for what you think is right!

August 1, 2011

*Random Noter* Wait, you’re making sense. Our government officials won’t listen. Also, as I get older I start to realize more and more how little our officials actually speak for those who vote for them.

August 2, 2011

I like your thinking!

August 15, 2011

The critical analysis and salt-of-the-earth eloquence in this are so thick and plentiful that it’ll take me days to digest it, if ever. Bravo.