Extremely Hot and Humid

 Hi all,
I have no idea where most of my reader friends are from, except a few of you who I’m personal friends with.  But wherever you are, I hope and pray that you are staying cool in this heat.
Here in southwest Wisconsin it is extremely hot and humid.  Today it is 95* and the heat index is 111*.  I have to go outside later, but I’m waiting until the sun goes down to do so.  I refuse to go outside in this heat and humidity.
It’s hard enough for me to breathe indoors let alone going outside.
Anyway…………..enough complaining.

My summer so far has been pretty non-productive.  I was supposed to go to "the Mound" this past weekend for a jubilee for a Sister that I cared for while I was working.  I tried to go, but the closer I got to the Mound, the more anxiety I felt.  By the time I was almost to the parking area, I couldn’t breathe.  My anxiety was so great that my blood pressure was going up and I was having a hard time controlling it.  So I decided not to even go inside with the 1000+ people who were there.  I turned around and drove to my daughter’s house.  When I got to her house, she’s like: "mom, are you ok?"  I’m like, give me a few minutes, I will be fine."  It took about 15 minutes before I recouperated from the anxiety attack.  Once I started playing with the kids, the anxieties left.  I stayed at my daughter’s house all day.

I got to see my oldest grandson play soccer.  He’s pretty good.  He was aiming for the goal when I pulled up in my car, but the ball skimmed the top of the goal and flew over, bounced off the roof of a Monte Carlo and then hit the windshield of a minivan.  That’s a good kick from an 11 yr. old.

Filled up the wading pool with the 3 little ones.  Yes, that water was cold, but the kids didn’t care.  All 3 were out there in their undies.  I just sat with my feet in the water.  

Someone is cooking something on this floor.  I can smell lasagna or spagetti  or something on that order.  Now why would anyone want to cook in this heat?  I’m at my friends apartment, one floor from mine.  He’s at camp.  I just checked the mail and decided to stop here and check emails and stuff.  Play a few games and watch a few shows on TV.  His TV isn’t supposed to be working, but somehow it is.  He said he cancelled DISH while he’s at camp, but it’s still on.  Not all stations, but enough that I can watch a few shows.  Like COOKING and OXYGEN and QVC are still working.  I’m not complaining.  I told Chris these stations were still coming on.  Neither of us can figure out why.

Tomorrow is free kid movie day at the Millineum Theater here in town.  The free movies start at 10am.  Lots of kids go and some adults who think they still are kids go.  I’m one that still attends the free shows.  Tomorrow’s show is:  "The Owls of GaHoole".  Next week it’s "Gulliver’s Travels".  I enjoy going.  Last week I sat next to 2 little girls that were the best behaved kids.  They were 5 and 3.  I asked  them before the movie started.  They were better than some of the older kids that knew how to act.

I’d love to have a picnic right now, but not in this heat/humidity.  I know several great spots under trees with great views that I could go.  I’d love to take my blanket and picnic basket, and my drawing kit and just enjoy the beauty that surrounds where I live.
If you’ve ever heard about the world’s largest "M", well Google it if you haven’t, I’m less than 2 miles from there.  I love sitting at the "M" and drawing.  Especially at sunrise and sunset.  The colors are so amazing.  I found my pastel kit, so I’m ready to use it again.

Be Still, Listen.  Love.

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man sorry to hear that dear, no man should ever put there hands on a woman, period. Im ok with myself, but i could be doing alot better too. thanks for sharing:)

July 19, 2011

It has been hot and humid here too. I was outside the other day doing yard work, but I’ve mostly been staying inside.

July 19, 2011

I have been in GA since July 9th and it is very DIFFERENT than COLORADO – it is warm and the people talk funny…lol. I think I am starting to sound like them…lol.