Mother’s Day

Hi all,
Hope all you ladies enjoyed Mother’s Day.  If you’re not a mom, remember it’s for Aunts, Great-Aunts, Grandmothers, Friends, and anyone that enjoys children.

I celebrated Mother’s Day on Saturday May 7th, 2011.  My day started out with garage sales with the neighbor:  ie:  Chris.  Then he got a call to attend a meeting in Benton, and since I was going that way to see my daughter and hang with them, I decided that I could run him to Benton.  So, we took off for Benton and then I dropped him off at Joe’s and then I went to my daughter’s house for the rest of the day.

Got to Joy’s and Caleb met me at the door.  He’s like:  Manna, why are you petting Jackson?  I replied:  "because he loves his grandma too."  Caleb laid on the porch rail and asked me more questions about dogs and why they lick and if dog kisses are gross or don’t I mind being slobbered on.

Went inside and met up with Isaac who informed me that Stella and Noah were taking a nap and that I had to be quiet.  Even though playing the Wii isn’t quiet, grandma still had to be quiet.  Caleb started jumping on me wanting me to go upstairs to play, but I was chatting with my daughter while she held two sleeping children on her lap.  She kept trying to tell Caleb that we were talking but Caleb wanted his Manna to come and play.  So I left my daughter and headed upstairs to play with a 4 yr. old.  Got up to the boys’ room and I said:  "ok, which bed is yours?"  He said:  "this is my bed, Noah sleeps here and Isaac is up on top."  I said:  "well, when Isaac gets bigger and moves out of the house then are you gonna sleep up on top?"  He looked at me and said:  "Manna, daddy won’t let me up there.  He says I’m too little."  I said:  "when you’re bigger can you sleep up there?  Because Manna needs to sleep in your bed.  I don’t fit up there."  He looked at me and said:  "Manna, I’ll be bigger when I get 5, ok.  Now don’t ask me no more questions.  Do you want to see where baby stella sleeps?"  "Sure!"  So Caleb takes me to Stella’s room and shows me her crib and dolls and her dresses and all the other stuff that is hers.  Then he climbs into the crib and says:  "watch this."  He take the dolls off the dresser and he jumps down into the crib.  I look at him and tell him:  "I’m not gonna play with you if you’re gonna be a baby.  I will go get the diapers and the baby powder and a dress and make sure you’re a baby."  With that, he hopped out of the crib and ran down the stairs and told his mom what Manna was going to do to him.  My daughter just laughed and Caleb wasn’t very happy.

The two sleeping kids woke up and Joy and I made lunch and then headed outside with the kids.  It was breezy, jacket weather.  We planted a garden.  We have beans, leaf lettuce, green peppers, squash, cucumbers and tomatoes.  And do you know that 3 boys with Super Soaker Squirt guns is the new way to water the garden and fresh plants?  They were as soaked as the ground.  Baby Stella was in the swing.  She loves to swing, just like her mom and grandmother.

Joy and I used to recite the poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Swing.

How do you like to go up in the swing.  Up in the air so blue.  Oh I do think it’s the pleasantist thing.  Ever a child can do.  Up in the air and over the walls til I can see so wide.  River and trees and cattle and all over the countryside.  Til I look down on the garden green down on the roof so brown.  Up in the air I go flying again, up in the air and down.

While outside Caleb and Noah had these tiny little rubber animals.  They were no bigger than a dime.  When it was time to go inside for supper, Caleb couldn’t find his pink pig.  So I took his hand and we went outside and I said:  "Caleb, we need to pray and ask God to help us find the pig, because Manna can’t see it in the grass."  So we prayed and asked God for help.  Then we wandered around the yard looking for the pig.  Up next too the house by the little slide was the pig.  Caleb said:  "Oh thank you God for finding my pig!!"  "And look you found Noah’s duck too."  Thank you God.

Yes, as adults sometimes people think that praying for toys is wrong.  But God hears our prayers.  And a little pink pig in very long grass is hard to find.  God cares about stuff like that.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather we are having.  It’s 75 here and hot, humid in southwestern wisconsin.

I’m heading back to the recording studio.  I’m recording CD’s for an upcoming wedding that I’m playing for.  The CD’s are for the reception.  I’m having a blast!! Because the music is from the 20’s until now, all genres.  Last night I was there for 5 hours.  I probably have 5 more hours today to go.  But I love it!!

Take care all, until next time.  Love you,  Carol

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May 10, 2011

Glad you had a good Mother’s Day with the kids.

May 10, 2011

I had an awesome Mom’s Day, too!

May 14, 2011

Four year olds are lots of fun. This totally reminded me of Ben. It sounds like a good Mother’s Day.