Stomped Part 2

Read everyone’s notes and emails on this issue.  Talked with some close friends and came to the conclusion that he is sending mixed messages to me and he needs to grow up and be a man, not a boy.

I’m holding my ground.  I refuse to take him on Monday to Dodgeville unless he pays me the $16 for gas.  I’m at the library right now and he just stopped by and said:  "hi and blah, blah, blah."  Then he wanted me to listen to something on You Tube, which I did, but I don’t really care about You Tube.  Except for the talking parrots, dogs that ride skateboards and people making fools out of themselves.

I asked him how he did at the performance that he played at on friday and he said he did ok, but still had lots of mistakes.  I said:  "the old people didn’t know you had mistakes unless you stopped and started all over again with the song."  I’m like, how many times do I have to tell you to keep playing, no one will know you made a mistake.  This is what I tell my music students too.  Even with vocal, if you sing the wrong word, just keep singing.  No one will notice.

His reply was:  "I know, I just naturally stop and want to start again."  I’m like DON’T.

Then he said:  "I’m going home for lunch and then I’m going to the Univ.  I’m like, that’s good.  Then he says:  "what are you doing?"  I’m like:  dishes, laundry, make a dish to pass for tomorrow’s Pot Luck at church, crafts, watch a movie."  He’s like:  "can I watch a movie at your house?"  I’m like:  "I have chick flicks and comedy.  I’m not sure if this is your thing, but you’re welcome to come over anyway."

I know I’m nice to people that stomp on me, but I can’t help it.  People stomped on Jesus too and he still was nice to them.  Amazing he still loved them too.  I’m not sure I could go that far as to loving someon that stomped on me, but I will be nice to them.
It’s just who I am.

Well, my time is almost up here at the library.  It’s time to get down to the movie gallery and pick out movies for the weekend and then head home to make something for the Pot Luck tomorrow.  No idea what to make.  Crock Pot meals are always my favorite.  Easy to do and not much mess.  Already practiced the music for tomorrow.  Had to be at church at 10am this morning to practice with the vocal team.

Hey everyone, take care have a great weekend and if I don’t get back here right away, it’s because I have to come to the library to write. Happy Easter to all.

Love each of you.


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April 9, 2011

hope your weekend is fun:)

April 12, 2011

I think it does seem like he is sending mixed messages. He’s probably one of those people who doesn’t have a clue what he wants.