Stomped On Again

This is the last time I will ever be stomped on by a man or a woman for that matter.  It started last night.  I went to my friend Chris’ to watch the Championship game between Butler and UConn.  He had invited Andy to come and watch too.  I got there first and had my seat picked for the game.  Andy came about 1/2 hr. later.

Started watching the game.  During the first commercial a really nice lady wearing a bikini walked on the screen and Andy says:  "she’s hot!"  I’m like you don’t know that.  You’re just looking at her body.  Don’t you ever look at what’s on the inside of a person vs what’s on the outside?  He answered:  "well, it helps if the outside is gorgeous."  I’m like:  you’re a stereotypical male.  So the conversation kept going even after the game came back on.  He said:  "well you ladies look at guys just as much as we look at women."  I’m like yes, but we don’t comment on it as much as you men do.  He’s like:  you do too.  I said:  I will admit I like George Clooney and Matthew McConahey.  But it’s not like I will ever meet them in person.  I’ve only seen them on tv and movies.  You on the other hand see a girl in public and your radar turns on and you oggle her up one side and down the other and say things like:  "I wish I could jump her bones."  Do you know what this says to us when you do that in front of us?  You do it all the time when we are places.  I’m sick of it.

Andy then looks at me and says:  "well if you would take care of yourself better and eat the right foods and not things with sugar in them, then maybe you wouldn’t be so fat and ugly."  I looked at him and said:  dude, I have many food allergies and there are things I can’t eat.  I eat lots of raw vegs and fruits and rice, beans, etc.. He looks at me and says:  yeah, and candy and ice cream and junk food.  I looked at him and said:  excuse me?  I don’t have the money for junk food.  I use the food pantry and they don’t give junk food.  He’s like:  well you’re eating chips now.  I’m like, so are you, moron.  (pissed me off)
You’re the one with the food share card.  Neither Chris nor I have a food card.  You can get whatever  you want.  We get what’s given to us. 

Then I told him to shut up so I could watch the game.  He was quiet for 2 minutes.  Then he started in on this:  maybe you and Chris need to start dating….this made me really mad.  Chris and I are friends.  I’m old enough to be his mother.  I said:  nope, we are just friends and that’s that.  He kept badgering me and badgering me.  Finally I punched him in the arm and told him to shut  up.  That he was annoying.  He kept it up.  I finally excused myself and came back to my own place and watched a movie.

Then this morning it started all over again.  Andy and I live on the same floor in the same apt. building.  Chris lives on the  5th, we live on the 6th.  I was doing my laundry.  Andy came along and said:  "you’re a LIAR.  I’m like what?  He said it again so everyone in yelling distance could hear.  You’re a Liar.  You told me you did your laundry in the kitchen sink and used a clothesline to dry y our clothes on.  I looked at him and said:  "I saved $4 back from my check from solo & ensemble on saturday to be able to use the washer and dryer today."  He looked at me and said:  "you’re still a liar.  I wonder what else you’ve lied to me about."  I kept doing my laundry.

After he left, I wrote a note on his door.  He wanted me to take him to Dodgeville on monday for a meeting with social security.  This is what I wrote.  I will need $16 for gas before we go on monday.  $4 a gallon and it will take 4 gallons to go to and from Dodgeville.  He came back down to my apt. and said:  "I’ll find a different way to get to Dodgeville.  I said:  good, you do that.  I refuse to be stomped on anymore by you or anyone else.

You owe me for Chicago, New Glarus, Madison and I don’t know how many other trips.  You always try to make me pay for everything.  You ask me out to places and then y ou tell me you have no money after we order and I end up paying for everything.  It’s not fair and I refuse to let you do this to me anymore.

So, I guess I’ve lost another so-called friend. 

I’m a total failure when it comes to relationships with men.

Married twice-divorced twice

It’s my fault.  I was the misfit kid and now I’m the misfit adult.  My dad told me I’d never amount to anything and no one would ever want me.  His words are coming true again.

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April 5, 2011

I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself for what happened. The problem is obviously with him, and it almost seems to me as if he is/was jealous. I am glad your students did so well. I have started some tomato, pepper, and cucumber plants indoors. I will transplant them outside once they are ready and the weather stops being so unpredictable.

April 8, 2011

He sounds like a loser. I wouldn’t worry about it at all.

April 9, 2011