Solo & Ensemble

Tomorrow is Solo & Ensemble for my students and myself.  I am their pianist.  I have 5 vocal solos and 2 duets to accompany.
My morning starts at 8am at UWP.  This means I need to be there at 7:45am to find a place to park.  It will be a nightmare with tons of schools, buses, parents, and students making their way to the University and trying to find a place to park.  I am fortunate.  I have friends from church that live directly across the street from where I need to be.  I’ve already asked permission to be able to park in their driveway.  What a lucky break!!!

My first event I play for is at 9:06am in site 2.  It is a vocal duet.  The music is Annie Laurie.  This is a Class B duet.  After that I have events at:
9:26am, 9:28am, 9:40am, 10:02am, 10:28am and 10:40 am.  Then I have to wait around to get results and to get paid by the music department.  I want to be able to watch a few events of my students that are participating in instrumental music too.  Several play piano and percussion, so I’d like to be there to support them in those events also.

Other than lots of practice for this, I’ve also been practicing for the weddings I’m playing for this year.  My first wedding is May 28th.  This is a big wedding with lots of music and many musicians.  There are 3 pianists for this wedding.  Each of us is playing a different instrument.  I am playing the Kawai Digital Piano, Trudy is on the Kawai Concert Grand and Kaaren is on the Church Organ.  The bride wants all instruments played for all the songs.  The problem is:  the music sounds corny if we all play the same thing.  So, me and my big mouth:  "open mouth, stick foot in" said:  "I will redo all the arrangements for all the pieces of music.  I finished the last song on Wednesday morning, 15 minutes before practice.
I wrote 3 parts for:  Ave Maria, Jesu, Joy’s of Man’s Desiring, So This Is Love, and Once Upon A Time.

Talk about work!!!!  This is mind blowing!!!  Basically I sat at the digital and recorded the Concert Grand first, then I took the next track and recorded the church organ and then the 3rd track I recorded the digital piano with strings.  Then each of those parts I wrote on staff paper for the other pianists to read.  It’s been a true challenge for me to do this.

I am proud that I was able to get it all done and in time to continue to practice.  My mom would be very proud of me.

I have about an hour left to get things done before I have to be up at the high school to do my last full practice with the students, give instructions, and then go to see a Christian comedian at church tonight.  I can’t wait.  This should be great.  I need some laughs right now.  Only jokes I know are stupid ones.

God only made a few perfect heads and on the rest He put hair.    Or…………..  Why do we call them asteroids when they are in the sky and hemmoroids when they are in your butt?  Makes more sense if they were switched.

Anyway, praying that all of  you are well and that God has blessed you in many ways.  Thank you for your contuined prayers for me.  The disability has not been approved yet, so, I’m still waiting.

Yeah, I’m using the computer at the library now too.  It’s a pain in the butt, because they only give you 1.5 hrs. per day.

I have 27 minutes left.

Hugs to everyone. 

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