Can’t Do This Anymore

As of today, it’s been almost 6 months without a paycheck.

I can’t do this anymore.

I’ve asked for help from every government agency in my area, only to be turned down.  I’m tired of asking for help.

I’ve decided enough is enough.  I’m not asking anymore.  Whatever happens to me, happens.

Depression is setting in very hard.  Haven’t had any medication for 2 weeks.  Don’t care.  If Drs. don’t care, then whey should I?

Church doesn’t care.  They’d rather see me gone.  Friends don’t care anymore.  They’re tired of hearing about it.  Family doesn’t care:  I’m the black sheep anyway.

                      I QUIT!!!!!!!!

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January 14, 2011

What about a job?? Are you able to find work?

January 14, 2011

Do not give up. All you need is one job and your life will change. I’ve been unemployed. I’ve been so depressed and hopeless. Don’t give up. Your life will change in an instant with one paycheck. it’s still the same you. You just have to believe in yourself

January 15, 2011

Aren’t you getting disability?

January 15, 2011

I am unemployed AGAIN, too! My Long Term Sub ended last month. I am back to the on-call Sub assignments. I worked 1.5 this week. Would you consider subbing? I bet if you checked into it, you would find yourself busier than you think! The pay is not shabby either. It ranges from $85-$100/day in my area. Stay busy; it beats the depression. I have been reading alot.

January 17, 2011

RYN: Are you serious?? Did you have a small melt down that your employers misunderstood or something?? That totally sux that you are unable to find work because of this. I say fight the system and figure out a way that you can be compensated if you are unable to work because of what the docs tell you.

January 17, 2011

You might feel like quiting but you cannot.