Computer Virus

My crazy computer got a virus in it and it’s taken me from this morning until about 6pm to get it out.  I had to go in and take off the modem, unistall the modem, reinstall the modem, and a new USB cord, Unistall every program in my computer and then reinstall every one of them.  It takes all day to do that.

Made Chicken and Veggie Stew in the CrockPot today.  It turned out really good, I think.  I ate around 5:30pm.  Andy just got home and is eating now.

Glad this stupid thing is working now. 

Laundry done.  Garbage emptied.  Floor swept.  Need to mop in the morning.

Some senior citizen tried burning the building down today making cookies.  When the alarm went off I just stuck some cotton in my ears and continued to do my housework.  Some goofy guy went down the elevator when the alarm was going off.  I said:  "don’t go down the elevator."  He’s like why?  I’m like:  "cuz the elevator will stop with you on it and then we’ll have to crank you out."
Then some guy came to my door and asked for a CD from the Christmas Cantata from church.  I said:  "we didn’t do it last week, it’s this Sunday."  He still wants a CD.  I’ll get him one.

Ok, now to watch TV or a movie. 

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December 18, 2010

I lived in an apartment building once that had alarms going off regularly in the middle of the night. It was insane.

December 19, 2010

RYN: My bday was low key. I rec’d calls from kids, family, and friends during the day. I rec’d some nice cards and surprises inside the cards, too! I had dinner with a teacher friend at Red, Hot, and Blue. What did you do for your birthday?

January 3, 2011

oh sorry you had the virus, that is a lot of work and hoping. Glad for no fire