November Happenings

I know I promised to be on here more frequently but life is currently moving quicker than I can keep up to it.

First, my doctor put me on full disability, but Soc. Sec. wants to reject that.  Dr. says no way.  This lady has dealt with this disease long enough.  So I’m waiting until soc. sec. pays me, which will be Feb. 2011.

Second, my doctor also wants me to move into town.  That’s easier said than done.  I’m still waiting for papers to be able to do so.  They want everything under the sun and then some to be able to move into a disability housing unit.  The last piece of paper will arrive today.  Thank you Lord.

Third, getting a move date where I can have some help to move.  I’ve got some teens lined up and 2 trucks.  If we wait much longer we will get snowed on.  Oh well.

Forth, I tore my meniscus.  I’ve had knee pain for several months.  In Aug. I went to ER because I could hardly walk.  The guy in ER really didn’t do anything.  He just put ice on it and then went and got a splint and a set of crutches and said:  "wear this for 2 wks and then take it off.  You’ll be fine."  Well I’m not fine.  It’s gotten worse over this past couple months.  I could hardly stand it the other night.  It felt like someone was stabbing me in the knee with a knife.  Nothing took the pain away.

Now besides all this which is stressful and that’s what got me into the hospital in July and led to the disability………………….I also have the following going on.

The Platteville Chorale which I’m a member, has several upcoming concerts.  Nov. 21, Dec. 5th and Dec. 12th.

My church, the Platteville Free Methodist Church is practicing for the Christmas Cantata, which is Dec. 12th.  I’m also the pianist for the choir, so I have all the music to learn.  Plus on Dec. 12th, our instumental music for the morning is our Piano Trio, which I’m a part of that.  I play lead piano with all the fancy stuff up in the upper keys, plus this song that we are doing also uses percussion and wind chimes.  So I have those parts too since the other 2 pianists have never played percussion.  I have a congo, woodblock, and chime part written besides the piano.  I can do it.

Dec. 12th is also my birthday.  Don’t really know how I’m gonna fit the birthday thingy into the day.

Dec. 19th is our Sunday School Christmas Pagent.  Yes, I’m the pianist for this too.  I love working with the kids.

Dec. 25th is Christmas, which is a Saturday this year.  And the 26th is a Sunday which is my Sunday for special music.  Vocal special.  Ok, what should I sing?  I’m not into the modern stuff.  I might just sing "Bethlehem Morning".  I love this song anyway, and I recorded it on my Christmas CD.

Oh yes, did I tell you I’m working on my 3rd CD.  It’s a Christmas CD.  It’s my favorite Christmas Carols.  Some traditional, some not.  At this rate I won’t get it done by Christmas.  But that’s ok.  Because I do all the vocal and instumental tracks myself.  It takes alot of time and energy to produce a great CD.

Other than all this I have my 4 grandkids to play with.  I have my best friend to help with business adventures.  And life in general.

No wonder my stress level is sky high.

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