Hello All

Yeah I know….It’s been about 3.5 weeks since I’ve written anything on here.  Been busy with life in general.

Isaac my oldest grandson plays 4th grade basketball for St. Rose School.  Since the school doesn’t have any other teams to play against, they are connected with the Dubuque YMCA.  They play on saturdays at 1pm.  They’ve won 6 games and lost 1 game.  Today’s game they won 26-16.  They’ve played this team before.  Isaac made one basket and had 6 steals.  Yes, I’m a proud grandma.

I have the boot-cast thingy off my foot now.  It’s fine I guess.  Someone suggested on here that I get a pair of Sketchers Shape-Ups.  I have them.  I bought them right after they came on the market in Famous Footwear.  Cost me $119.  I still have to wear a different pair of shoes every day.  Yes, they are comfy, but my feet are just bad.  My foot Dr. recommends New Balance.  I have them too, and they were more expensive then the Sketchers.

It’s still 37 degrees here and it’s 8:48.  I just got home from going to see "Alice In Wonderland".  I don’t recommend it for little kids.  It’s dark and scary.  I saw 2 families remove their kids.  I will wait and take Isaac to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".  He reads those book anyway.  The movie I’m waiting for is:  "Bounty Hunter".  That looks really good.  Saw "Shutter Island" right after it came out.  My friend Louise and I went to the 9pm show and had the plot figured out in the first 15 minutes of the movie.  Then we had to sit there and try to enjoy stupidty.  That movie was just dumb!!

Several people have asked me to repost something I put on here over 1.5 yrs. ago.  I guess they need a good laugh.  I just found the story in my file folder.  Go read my next entry if you need some humor in your life.

Have a great day.

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