New moon/christmas/parents leaving
Ok, I’ve read New Moon (well awhile ago) And you have to read it twice. The first time through you are waiting in anticipation for Edward to come back. All in all, I think it was a good struggle for Bella to go through, and Jacob is awesome lol. However, I am wary of reading Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. People seem very upset by these less than stellar sequels, well, according to them, so you really need to try things out for yourself and forge your own opinions. I was hoping that there’d be a character I could play in the movies. 🙁
The one thing I got for Christmas that I loved was my uncle scott ordered me Dean’s necklace from my FAVORITE show Supernatural. Uhm. It rocks my socks off. Other than that, mike gave me money, my grandparents gave me some money, some lotion (ugh) Nicholas Sparks new book "The Lucky One" and some lil odds and ends. My parents didn’t go by my list at all- major faux paux. The only thing that was on my list was a digital camera. My sister got a knock off, but at least it was a real digital camera. Mine? Its SUPER small, with an even SMALLER screen and its just crapola. They got me some chain that holds a picture, lots of lotion and shower gel (seriously, im good on that stuff people. STOP buying it for me!) some makeup (which i just bought expensive makeup before they even bought my gifts.) And some kind of thing where you can hit a button and it’ll start up your car. Dont need it.
So, christmas pretty much sucked this year. I mean even at the family christmas eve party, everyone followed my parents in claiming they were sick, so not a huge turnout. my sister and i played resident evil downstairs with mike, while uncle scott totally bailed(the jerk! lol) Got into some debate about touchy things
For instance, my parents up and decide they’re moving to Louisiana. What?? Yeah, few weeks ago they decide my s tepdad is taking the job, and they’re moving there jan 1st. my uncles are moving in here, and my sister is living with my grandparents. my bro and i will stay here. Crazy. Its gonna be WEIRD.
The drama with my sister. Well, after she broke up with him, i began talking to her again lol. There’s been some damage, but all in all we’re pretty good.
Mel is suppose to fly out in june, and so I postponed filming until then. I already do the writing, without her help, and I’ve done the casting, getting people for behind the scenes, being the director, playing producer, AND being the lead actress. Its quite a lot to take on. Plus the time limit was quite small. It’ll be easier this way. And gives me a large amount of time to prepare. Get myself back in shape, and raise some funds.
Things at the daycare are going pretty well, i must say. today the center had a total of 12. lol yeah i know LOW. But Laura and I are the only ones who stayed past 3. I had to take on the baby babies too. Weird. I prefer my one year olds 🙂
Oh! I dyed my hair a reddish auburn. Well, its reddish because my natural color has red tints in it anyways, so no matter what color i put in my hair red comes out lol. So, as of right now, im not blond. But, my hair wants to be blond i think so it didnt turn out that dark, and its already going back to the lighter color lol. But everyone likes the darker color. So who knows i might just keep it that way! Though i just love being blond, idk. Oh well!
My mom talked about how I need the hit the button thing, it’d sure be nice right now in the winter, but there are a lot of things I could use more than that for sure, lol.
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