Always loving

never being loved.

I love with everything in me, I give myself 110% to whomever I’m with, but I’ve yet to find the person that will give that much back.  It makes me wonder if I’m holding my standards too high.  Am I asking for too much?  Are my wants and needs ridiculous?  Is it too much to ask for a man that will love me with everything he has, for a man that will love my girls as his own, for a man who can share his emotions with me and not feel like less of a man for doing so?

I’m not meant to be alone.  I hate being alone.  I am so much better when I am with someone.  But what does that say about me?!  I should be able to be completely content on my own, be happy with my own surroundings and life and not need someone else to complete me.  I just don’t feel happy anymore.  I feel like I’m treading water, making the motions and doing what’s expected of me.

I want so much more out of life.  God I want someone to share my life with, someone that will truly appreciate the woman I am.

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December 17, 2010

I’m sorry that you too are un-happy. I too have struggled with finding someone to love me. I fear that If I don’t change my expectations, I will be ALONE… Also, I AM TOO SHY for my own good… Meeting people is never easy. I am too scared of rejection… With that said, I would like to say, you will find someone eventually. No one should have to live alone… Best wishes, Miguel.

January 20, 2011

You are the most amazing, strong, and beautiful woman I know and you WILL find Mr. “Right for you” I promise you that. Believe me we all go through this. I still do, and it sucks. But when you find him you’ll truly appreciate him after all you have lived through so just hang in there 🙂 love you