Lift my spirits…

How do I do it??

Usually I read.  I can pick up a book, read it in a day, maybe two, and feel better.  It lifts my spirits, renews my hope, leaves me feeling good.  BUT I read romance novels.  Debbie Macomber, Fern Michaels, Nicholas Sparks etc, those are not going to leave me feeling good right now.  They are going to leave me feeling like I have no chance of that right now with the circumstances around me.  I’ll feel even more depressed if I even attempt to read one of my books.

Scrapbook?  Sure, I can pull out all my supplies and start scrapping.  But looking through all those pictures, leaves me feeling like crap.  Makes me feel like I’ve failed as a wife and mother.  And I just don’t have the energy to put any creativity into it.

I should exercise.  Try and get off some of the pounds that I’ve recently gained and then some.  Then D comes home, I get even more depressed and eat more.  It’s a lovely cycle.

I think I’ll browse the net for a little bit, hope to hear from B, then go climb in bed with some Sugarland music and just go to sleep…

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September 8, 2008

Go for a walk, write….writing always helps.