Our new puppy…

This past Sunday we were shopping, just happened to visit the pet store and of course couldn’t walk out of there with out a cute little puppy!  We had been thinking about getting another dog to keep the dog we have at home company (Kelsey). 

Here are some pictures of our new little pup, her name is Princess (the girls named her) and she is a 12 week old Boston Terrier….

Here is Princess with Kelsey…

And here is Princess in her shirt…she really detests the cold weather! lol


In other news, I have a job interview tonight.  I’m so nervous!  I haven’t worked in over two years and prior to me being a stay at home mom, I worked in a daycare as a teacher for five years.  So, I haven’t even had a job interview in over 6 1/2 years!  I’m sure I’ll be fine, but I can’t help but being nervous.  I applied to work at a casino nearby during the night while the kids are sleeping.  The pay is great, I hear they have fabulous benefits and we could definitely use the exrtra money right about now after all the rental issues.  So, wish me good luck!

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Cute puppy. Good luck on your interview. Just think positive

January 11, 2007

oh my gosh that puppy is adorable. i love the sweater heheh

January 11, 2007

awwww what a cutie! good luck with the interview

January 11, 2007

Good luck!

January 12, 2007

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… as much as i want to be a tough girl, a cute puppy will get me every time! i was just like “whoa there are casinos near me too!” haha im not too sharp on 3 hours sleep, sorry! have friend who work at both casinos, and they seem to really like it. they have the best absence policies. and i’m sure you did just fine on your interview 🙂

January 12, 2007

I love the pics of Princess and Kelsey together! Congrats on the job dollface, I knew you’d get it 🙂 Love ya!!!