Growing up too fast

Awww so much is happening lately that is making me incredibly aware of how fast my girls are growing up.

Our oldest daughter, just started 2nd grade…her first day of school I was brushing her hair and she looks up at me and says "Can you believe I’m already in second grade?!  I’m growing up soooo fast!"  I choked back tears because that’s exactly what was going through my mind at that exact moment.  She’s becoming so independent and sometimes I just wish to have my little girl back.

Our middle daughter, she’ll be four in November and lately she’s just been full of…well just adorable!  Her new favorite thing to do is go to the full length mirror in our hallway and say "I see my friend, she looks happy [sad, grumpy etc] today. Mommy go look, see what your friend looks like today"  She knows that it’s just her reflection, but it’s adorable.  She even goes to the extent of taking her friend out of the mirror to come with us places. lol

Our youngest, she’s just about 1 1/2 and I can’t believe that time has gone so fast.  She’s already starting to talk.  More and more each day.  It’s an amazing feeling to see her learning things, but it’s so bittersweet.  She has so many words in her vocabulary and I cannot remember either of the other two girls talking so much so soon.  I think that she’s trying her best to keep up with her two big sisters!  She’s now at the point that she shakes and nods her head appropriately when you ask her a question, isn’t that the cutest thing?!


Sometimes I just sit back and observe life as it goes on around me.  I am so blessed to have my girls and I hope that they will always know it.

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September 19, 2006

It seems like just yesterday they were all babies 🙁 It’s hard to belive I’ll be posting an entry (probably sooner than I think) about how I started to get teary eyed when my little one smiled, rolled over or whatever else he/she will be doing before I know it. You’re a great Mom and pretty soon those 3 are going to be saying how blessed they are to have such an amazing mom 🙂 (and dad lol) *love*

September 19, 2006

I was at my parent’s house the other day and saw the neighbor’s kids, who I used to babysit for…*sigh* I remember when the baby came home for the first time…Too bad the “baby’s” somewhere around 9 now!!! Makes me feel so old.

September 20, 2006

aw it is sad huh? I try to think on the positive side though- it’s exciting to see our kids grow and learn and do more things. I look forward to the day I can have a mature conversation with my son. Not just yet though! 🙂