Food suggestions for dairy allergy???

Does anyone have some food ideas for me?!  Our 18 month old is severely allergic to dairy, because of that allergy we are also not allowed to give her any foods with eggs.  So, the poor thing has been eating the same foods over and over and over.  She’s starting to become very tired of them and that makes her very cranky!  She basically eats chicken nuggets, pork, grilled chicken, and sometimes pasta.  BUT we have to be very cautious w/ her fruit/veggie intake.  She also has severe eczema so any food w/ a lot of acid in it makes her eczema break out and ugh, the poor thing is miserable.  We’ve tried chick peas, beans, stir fry, and NO LUCK.  So please, help me out! 


Other than that, same old stuff going on.

I’ve been super busy, especially trying to get the girls back on a real schedule.  It’s really not that easy.  We’ve been working at our rental property getting it ready.  Looks like it won’t be ready until November 1st, but that gives us more time to do other things with it.  I must say, it’s really starting to look a lot better!  We installed new laminate floors last time around, fresh paint and now new walls are going up, it’s really coming together.  I hope that we find a tenant quickly though!

I haven’t scrapped in what feels like ages!  I’m soooo eager to get a few pages done, I have years to catch up on!!  I suppose the time will come soon enough.

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September 13, 2006

Sorry, no suggestions… none of us is allergic to dairy.

September 13, 2006

I feel for you! My now 17 yr old is/was allergic to eggs and milk as a baby. I will dig through some of my old reciepes and see what I can offer.

September 13, 2006

See stay positive and things always start to look up eventually 🙂 As for beautifuls’ food allergies I hope somebody has some ideas, she deserves a change of food 🙂 And I’m happy to see you finally making an entry! Love ya *hugs*

September 14, 2006

aw poor baby 🙁 I don’t know what to tell you… maybe you can do some research on it online or pick up some books from the library with some non-dairy meal tips?

September 14, 2006

Sorry I don’t know hun, Alex has something going on the the acid thing to can’t drink any juice or anything we tried everything. Thanks for the notes. Don’t worry I haven’t been able to catch up on scrapped since Alex was born and that’s almost seven months ago.

September 16, 2006

google suggests “The Kid-Friendly Food Allergy Cookbook” by Lynne Marie Rominger and Leslie Hammond and “The Egg, Dairy And Nut Free Cookbook” by Donna Beckwith and also these sites and maybe you already have these, if not hope it helps

September 16, 2006

oh and thanks for your note, i hope youre rightabout andrews mom. and the pregnancy is fine… uneventful actually… tv and movies had me believing it would be much worse. i am overdue for a doctors visit though… i know i need to do that asap.. its a matter of getting the ambition to put on clean clothes and go in public… *sigh*