282. boyfriend

 quick update. i suck at updating.

i suck at venting now.

i just bottle everything inside these days.

 – ive been dating a guy named james for a month now. he has a daughter. and of course a babymama who is psycho.. but she isn’t rikki thank god. her and i are CIVIL. she threatened him rikki style that he was never going to see his daughter again until she met me. i attempted to meet her and she canceled me coming to meet her.. then tried telling me all this shit to be mad at james. i didnt get mad at james.. i guess ive dealt with enough BM drama to even buy her bullshit. she wasnt happy she succeeded that so she left me alone.. and james still sees his daughter. ((i really dont try to date the guys with kids.. i really dont))

– work has been drama filled with this stolen credit card bullshit that made three transactions on me which totals up to about $200.. my boss and I have been getting hot headed with each other.. just HUGE disagreements. my manager paul is at his new corporate job (he left 80s) im so heartbroken that paul is gone. he was my rock at that place. a true A+ guy. and Ive had the last week off from going up north on vacation then coming home on saturday where paul called me to tell me the walk in broke down to where all the dough exploded from the heat. so we were closed for three days on top of my vacation. my boss also pissed me off to the max when he didnt text.. or call.. he SNAPCHATTED a document of the stolen credit card information that captioned "sorry linda -65 from your check"…. PISSED as fuck. Lana and I (since she went up north with me) discussed leaving 80s to go work with my mom at citi bank.. makes a lot more sense. im tired of getting burned by my boss. im just afraid to leave 80s. i love pizza. the customers and all the cash. but i think if i was on payroll id control my money a little more. i literally feel like im playing the lottery for a living. i went through my laundry two weeks ago.. and i found $157 just floating around in my jeans. i dont count my shit. and ive had countless customers tell me i dropped a five dollar bill as Im walking away from their house. i have a bank account. i just get so lazy going through the drive through. i just dont know how im going to feel if I left 80s. two years is a long time for me. Ive never held the same job for more than six months. 

– on to the court case. my ford focus has been seized for over seven months now. i was supposed to face three charges (possession, paraphinalia, & operating in the presence of drugs) … dumb fucking charges on Thursday which was smack dab in the middle of my four day vacation up north. my lawyer literally got it submitted for dismissal the day before the court date so i could go up north. bless him. the lincoln continental im delivering pizza in as a temp for my focus.. is not holding up so well. and every two months we have to buy a paper plate since they still have my car =[ i have to HUGE steps to go through which is one… get charges dismissed completely.. (since theyre submitted theyre not FULLY dismissed) and two.. get my fucking car back with all of my valuables inside of it. my heart still breaks remembering everything that was inside. so the court thing is a touchy subject.. but it does seem to finally be coming to an end soon.

– my 24th birthday was the sixth this month. Lanas 27th birthday was the fourth of July. so saturday the 6th we got a fucking party bus. that night was beyond insane. it was an epic night and epic birthday. i didnt spend one dollar at the bar. and everyone and i mean EVERYONE got home safely. we definitely partied like rockstars that night. up north was on point. except I got sick =[

– i saved this subject for last.. im still seeing scotty. we’ve been sneaking around.. we went to cedar point together late june for two days he was all mine. i hated when it ended. i was in heaven those two days with him. it was more than just sweet. it was like.. crazy puppy love all over again. i felt so in love.. and i could tell he was feeling pretty in love too. we’ve been sneaking around out to hotels.. out to bars.. parties.. whenever we do get time.. its insanely on fire. he drives by my house to see if my cars there.. and knocks on the window to wake me up so he can sneak in. i think now that were both sneaking around to be together.. it just makes everything so much more intense. last night i started my period. and he just asked to fall asleep with me so get some time in. we talked for hours about how addicted we are to each other. and how we will eventually be together some day. he played with my hair until i fell asleep. i woke up and he had moved all of my things to the nightstand i fell asleep on awkwardly.. he tucked me in.. put pillows around me in case i rolled. and went to work. i woke up i noticed he was gone. i looked outside.. and crawled back to bed. i could still smell him. i want him so bad.. if only.


my life in a nut shell.



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