271. New Year

Scottys out of jail.
He called me.
I cried.
He said we need to be face to face.
I cried some more.
I said it hurts.
He said I know it hurts.
He asked me what happened with Romulus.
I said they never charged me.
He asked how did I know he was out.
I said Ian.
He said he misses me so much.
He said he wishes me a happy new year.
It was seven am. In mid sleep.
He kept asking me what because he could barely understand me
I told him it hurts again.
And cried some more.
He told me he is going to see me in a couple of days.
And that were going to talk this through.
And he kept saying he knows it hurts.
And that he will see me.
I kept crying.
He told me to relax and get back to sleep.
I asked him where was he.
He said hes far.
And he wished I wouldn’t talk shit back to rikki.
I said I hate her. And that my body and physical health cannot handle her.
He told me that he talked to my best friend about nevaeh.
I said oh.
He asked me about Dan (psycho who got fired from work who is in love with me)
I said I need him to call him since Dan is threatening me.
He asked me if I fucked him
I said nope never even hugged the guy.
Then he said we will talk.
Then he asked who am I seeing.
I said no one.
He asked who I’ve been fuckin
I said Kenny.
I slept with Kenny the dj on Sunday night.
He asked Kenny?
Then said oh. Okay.
I said yeah.
He told me to get some rest.
I cried some more.
He said he would call me.

I went back to sleep. He said he misses me so much again.

I cried. And hung up.

He waited on the phone. Because he asked hello again.
But i hung up anyway.
And balled.

Went to work at three. Til close. Rikki was texting me. I responded to each text with.. Lmfao. Lol. And Hahahhahahahaha.

Laughing but not saying a damn word.
She got pissed and gave up.

And I wait.


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Ugh he needs to be telling HER to leave you alone not you. And why the fuck does she tt you at all? What a dumb pig.

January 2, 2013
January 3, 2013