266. insane

 ive lost all motivation to write.

and even read.

i bought myself an xbox on black friday to occupy my overthinking about scotty.

he showed up at my house that night.

to apologize for the way things went down.

but remember we never fight when were in person. so everything was just kinda silent.

no words as usual.. like were supposed to not talk about the situation. and just move on together like it never happened.

more harassment kept coming in.

so i opened my mouth and continued to talk my shit and blurt out dates and times when hed see me. which pissed everyone off. mostly him.

she still takes pictures with him. and blah blah blah.

so last night it got worse. and i said everything i had to make him irate.

which he called me off ians phone tonight.. cussed me out. and screamed at me ten times "DO YOU LOVE ME?" ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION.. i kept replying you obviously dont love me.. then hed ask again and demand an answer.

so when he kept asking and asking i finally said yes.

and then he said im full of shit.. because i jeopordize his relationship with his children every time rikki and i fight.

well whatever.. she shouldnt be contacting me.

its all bullshit.

and i sit there and deal with it.

i STILL deal with it. for some reason i cant shake him off.

so the status on us is that were going south. shits not getting any better.. thats whats supposed to happen right?

xbox cant even take my mind off of him.

im so weak. because i just cant face the fact he doesnt want me.

i refuse to believe he doesnt love me.

its sickening of who ive become.

and im still forcing myself to take him back when he comes back around.

because he always comes back around.



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November 29, 2012

No offence but screw Scotty. Do what you need to do to take care of YOU.

November 29, 2012

are you really dealing with it though? wouldn’t it make more sense to move on and away from all this bullshit he puts you through… happiness can be hard to find when everything is so chaotic all the time. xx.

you’re addicted to him. And the truth is; he cannot be who you want him to be for you. He doesn’t want you the way you want him, he doesn’t care about you the way you care about him. But those facts are not a reflection on you. Move on. Move up. Love yourself first. If you like chaos and pain though, stay away.

November 29, 2012

He knows you love him and wants you and the other woman around for fun stuffs.. Have his cake and eat it too is a accurate saying about this situation.

November 29, 2012

you’re addicted to him, he is your drug. I honestly think that this is beyond something you can fix now.. rikki is the one the fuc*s everything up with his kids because she holds them over his head when it comes to you.. she’s CONTROLLING! Why an xbox?? GROSS lol…. shoulda got a ps3 and played me!!!! damnit haha