263. An update

So. It’s over completely. I’ve been getting some notes that have been urking me from last entry. I haven’t called or texted him since I said what I needed to say. I told him some harsh shit and that was that. Rikki still blew up my phone after that his phone called me once after I flooded his with texts but I didn’t answer. So yeah. Were done I’m not looking back.
As to answer some of your notes. If you found me on the front page then you obviously have no idea what my relationship with him was about. So that answers that. As for me sleeping with other people that he never knew about.. Those were my decisions based off our rocky relationship. I had warned him several times that she would be my last straw and he swore up and down otherwise. So the minute I leave for Cincinnati for two days he fucked me promising me the world then when im on the road and arrive at my aunts after a four hour drive I received that picture. He has not attempted to try and fix it and I really don’t blame him since there is no point. I am long fucking gone. So. I’d appreciate to keep your opinions of my stupidity to yourselves. I’m not in the mood to go over and backtrack through my mistakes. It’s over. And if anyone tells me otherwise they can simply stop reading me. I’m done with this entry. Goodnight.

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November 6, 2012

Keep your resolve with this….if he wants to keep going back to her…then so be it…you’ll move on…its gonna suck, but he’s not worth it…when its good, its good….but when it gets bad, the had outweighs any good with him…

November 7, 2012

I don’t think you’re stupid at all girl, but I think this is finally the breaking point where you learn that you deserve far better than what he’s given you and you are now able to move on and wipe your hands clean of this mess. If you still fight, HE wins. Not you, not Rikki. If you leave him alone for good though, YOU win. And that’s what you need. Love! <3

November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012

after four hours? … wow ….. Just telling you what you wanted to hear I guess. the minute you left its back to other strange cooch

November 8, 2012

You’ve been through a lot of crap… One thing I always have in my mind when it comes to MY relationships is “no one knows our love”. It might sound trite, but it’s true. You can’t help how you feel. I know love has made me do the most degrading stupid things in the past, and I know I’ve learned from those mistakes. Good luck girl, you will find someone who respects you and gives you what you need

i havent even known what to say about this whole situation honestly… but im pretty perturbed by people running their mouth when they dont know the situation. thats one thing that pisses me off about OD, i feel like if you are gonna “random” into someones diary and you have an opinion on the topic at hand, you should probably seek some background info before you comment. (c)

please dont go away though! you need to write for you and you DAMN sure need to write for us! i like to know you are ok. psbtw, i got a new phone a few wks ago and i need your # again. text me when you get this. xoxo

November 26, 2012

keep your head up!! 😀