207. car chase

well.. where do i start?

long story short i guess. im on a time limit. so ask me questions if im missing anything.

scotty and i got a hotel room at 1:30 after we spent the night before at the pistons game where we kicked major ass and wiped out the cleveland cavaliers.. he held my hand the entire time. we had a few beers. after the game i drove home.. (cause he drove there for all the shitty traffic).. i tell him i wanted a jacuzzi suite so we got one. he started filling the tub for me.. i got in first then he followed me. we laid in the tub for two hours.. i was falling asleep.. then he fucked me for four hours and he had work at 5am. i woke up and drove him to his van. told him im going back to sleep in the room. and sure enough he came back around 9am waking me up. he slept the last two hours then we left.

i had a day off wednesday.. and when i got home from the hotel i showered and started doing my homework.. scotty called me an hour later saying he just took his daughter out to eat and rikki wont leave him alone. he asked me to meet him at a room because he wasnt staying at his parents. so i met him at a different room.. and he paid for it.. i brought my lap top and homework with me. we got the room at 130pm..

my hair was down and just washed and i could smell the guy scent all over him.. why do they smell so good?

he starts texting our potential candidate (whos female) for our minajae hes been bugging me about. because we have had all of our threesomes with only males. and i told him id get him a girl. but every one we’ve encountered said they were down.. then something always happened to where they werent anymore.

so he texts her off my cellphone while i was concentrating on my school work.. i looked over at him and he had that “i didnt do anything” look on his face. i gripped my phone and he just texted her hey. he flung the phone out of my hands and started kissing and tickling me. i told him i would ask her if she was down. she said yes.. so i told her to get ready and id go pick her up. scotty was hungry so he went out and brought him and i some food. i always make my orders complicated. haha he tries to remember exactly what i say.

he scarfed his food down like a typical dude. eating fast like a pig. our girl was ready to be picked up and i pushed her off so i could finish my homework.. scotty fell asleep on my chest for an hour while i was reading with the tv. i put all my books down and moved his snoring ass off me. i woke him up sucking him.. he pulled me up and told me to go get her.. so i got ready with my keys in my hand.. and he was laying down i bent over to kiss him.. and stood up asking what he wanted to drink.. and he unbuttoned my pants trying to lick me.. i flung him away and texted becca i was on my way.

okay now let me describe becca. she kinda looks like me.. only her personality is flat out fucking annoying.. thats why scotty and i had to discuss the red flags with this bitch. i told him i was worried she would tell scottys brother (who is beccas ex) (RECENT ex)

and he was worried too. but after we discussed the guidelines.. becca told us she wouldnt do anything.

i go pick up becca. we pick up condoms and alcohol. scotty and i and becca drink in the room. were just about two or three drinks in.. then kimmi by my house texted me that scotty can go pick up his money.. so he takes me car.. and told me and becca hed be back soon.

he leaves.

heres what im going to write about when i edit this entry since i ran out of time..

rikki has a 10 yr old kid in HIS parents van that rikki was driving. rikki spotted scotty driving my car.

rikki chased my car 6 miles after scotty was blowing red lights to lose her.

the cops stopped both of them after she chased him in myvehicle for six miles.

guns drawn. rikki went to jail. scotty went to jail. leaving me and scottys mom watching our vehicles get impounded.

more details later..

gotta go to work.

love you all even though i live this fucked up life.


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April 20, 2012

ooooooooh my, girl. i love you. something crazy ALWAYS happens. ALWAYS.

April 20, 2012

OHHH MY GOD! Honestly ur life makes me stare at the Screen WIDE EYED. I wanna know what happend,detail wise!! Did You get ur car!!

April 21, 2012

Holy shittt! ?