147. L exploded!

i had to post this conversation.. my god im so proud of myself that i went through school and actually learned how to use my brain and my words..

so today scotty called me i got drunk and fell asleep when i told him to call me when he got in westland.. he did and sure enough i was sleeping. so i called him when i woke up no answer.. and he called me shortly after that.. he told me he would call me in a few hours and that he was taking his daughter to chuck e. cheese. cool. have fun. whatev..

i got MORE texts from this bitch.. saying..

"blown out pussy"
"go ahead try to call him see if he answers bet he dont he is with me and r kids"

and theres nothing you can do to get me to stop talking to him. youre wasting your time calling me. how you like them hang ups rikki? hahaha

"yeah well u must like the taste of my pussy bitch and the hang ups just prove ur a scared ass bitch haha"

nahh i aint scared. youre just a little girl who’s obsessed with drama. later skeez. theres an app for dumb annoying hoes too. so have fun sendin blocked shit

"well im having lunch with my man and r daughter so bye groupie."

have fun nasty hoe bag. enjoy it now while it lasts.

how about i just blow up your shit since all you do is blow up mine.

why dont i annoy you and send you all these texts when you just wanna have lunch with your man and kids.

isnt it fucking annoying dont you hate dumb hoes blowin up your phone?

you like passin out your number? cause i can help you!

awwww cant talk now?

you talk so much and now you cant.

weird how that works

anything else you want to add since you cant resist calling me youre just that obsessed with me right?

so i take it you like the way my pussy tastes if all you can do is call me

really i dont give out free licks but when i get around to you ill make sure you can have a taste

"yeah please. we r getting r own place together so joke on you"

"bitch i got apps too"

aint that so sweet awwwwh

yeah jokes on me when your man cheats on you. really i dont see how the jokes on me.

keep texting me since im soooooo much more important than you spending time with your kid. thats all you want to do is blow my shit up

grow up rikki. why keep talkin shit to me when aint shit gonna fuckin change

let me guess i have to change my number now so youll leave me the fuck alone finally and then when you find my number again because youre a crazy stalker bitch ill just keep changin it right?

why dont you fuckin get a job  you lazy ass bitch and leave me the fuck alone. you obviously have no life if all you do is play phone tag with other bitches your man is fuckin

so eat a dick and fuck off. im sick of your little kid bullshit youre blocked bitch get real with yourself and leave me the fuck alone.

"yeah cause ur a whore cant keep your mouth off his dick or ur legs closed"

atleast he tells me he likes it.. i guess thats good right?

you done textin yet? cause i have all day off we can text all day if you want rikki. sorry i have a life ive been busy working making money maybe you should fuckin get a job or take care of your kids other than runnin your pointless mouth that results in NOTHING. get the fuck over yourself bitch

so since this is my only day off we can text back and forth all day.. just for you hoe. so where these texts at? i mean youve been blowing up my shit all fucking week so what the fuck do you want to say?

i guess you arent doin something right.. maybe thats why he cheats on you.

"thats all ur good for with him is head nothing else ur wasting ur time cause u will ever be his bitch"

you think i want to be his bitch? no. youre right i never will be his bitch and want to look as pathetic as you. yeah ill pass. ima do me. i aint no ones bitch.

have fun gettin played hoe. you look so fuckin dumb. gosh you entertain me. tell me more shit. its so funny rikki

hahahahah youre so funny!

"i dont need a job when i got a man that pays for everything i want maybe if your shit was that good could have one too"

"ur just everyones whore in wayne westland garden city"

wow youre cool. greedy ass hoe. youre so pathetic. you always need a man? lmfao. girl thats so low. why admit that? im obviously independent. sorry youre jealous. thats sad. i wish you grew up. maybe youd be happier. you look sooooooooo sad. i actually feel sorry for you. get a life.

whats wrong not gonna write back?

awwwwh did i hit a soft spot?

pooooooor you!

is that all you can say? that im a whore?

awwwww really dont care what you think

"no i aint jealous of shit i looked at his phone u text him sayin u got a blunt he said well she must have ment to text someone else cause he hasnt talk to u"

yeah so? you think i care that you read his texts or mine? dont really give a fuck

i wish you heard what we said to eachother tho. thatttt however is probably what youre lookin for right?

"no u ever learn"

<span style="color: rgb(255

, 0, 0);”>and youll never learn how to type or talk. theres an ‘n’ in front of those ‘evers’ youve been writing

go to school bitch

and then talk shit. youll look a little more smarter since you are so fucking dumb rikki

god did you find your fucking brain yet? you idiot how stupid can you be? its all right there in front of your face and you STILL cant see it.

thats so funny how you blow me up all week and now youre barely responding

so sad. i wish you could shut the fuck up like this a long time ago.

im glad youre happy with a cheater. keep giving him the benefit of the doubt because doing that got you soooooooo far in life.

really its so depressing to actually be annoyed or angry at you. because youre so fucking stupid. all you do is fucking talk. but you cant back up anything the fuck up.

so what the fuck do you want that is so fucking important to talk to me about

im never going to tell your stupid ass what you want to hear. you will never make me jealous rikki. no matter what you say or do i dont care.

so did you get what you wanted to fuckin say? i already know you think im a whore. good for you calling me a whore is going to do anything.

text back bitch back your words up all talk fake ass bitch

oh are you getting too pissed off to write back? ill just assume that.

grow the fuck up rikki youre 22. actin like your fuckin 12

are we done talking now?

good cause if all these texts got rid of you talking to me then ill just have to do it more often.

wow what an easy win. dumb bitches never fucking learn.


awww cant say anything else? ran out of dumber shit to say already? hahah damn you really dont have a life.



" :-* "

i would teach you how since you obviously dont.. but youd have to pay for it.

"read ur shit that you write"

yeah i know its funny.. you have nothing to say

"you make no sense"

sure i do. you just dont know how to read. go to school

"you better hope i dont see you tonight.. hard ass bitch"

come find me. lmfao! nasty cunt

"yeah im nasty cause ive been with the same guy for 10 years unlike you"

and hes been with how many girls after you?




congrats to me. i have officially shut the dumb cunt up. =]


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lmfao damn girl you really know how to handle her! love it 🙂 RYN: thanks 🙂

August 27, 2011

I laughed so much reading this! Im so proud of you lol shes stupid!

August 27, 2011

lololol 🙂

August 27, 2011

ryn: I have no idea. cherry drs and… orange juice with a bunch of other things?

August 27, 2011

Ahahahaha, stupid bitch!!

August 27, 2011

Awesome!!!!! 🙂 I totally love you. She is so damn dumb!!

August 28, 2011

OMG, I Died. 🙂

August 28, 2011

wait. she is 22 and has been with the same guy since she was 12?

August 28, 2011
August 29, 2011
August 29, 2011

ryn: one night at work i cried in the back because i missed him so much and was so depressed and i texted him asking him to please come see me. he got to the house about 10 min after I got home from work 🙂

September 16, 2011

Nevermind. figured it out.