episode 71.

that is two days in a row i’ve written twice. dang guys i apologize so much writing to read. kudos if you’ve read them all =]

i changed up my diary a little bit. i enjoy the background. i’ve decided to add music to my entries. since i am addicted to music. and want to get into music more. i redid my front page as well. i’ll have to post some pictures in entries.. i don’t want to be TOO easy to find haha. let me know what ya guys think. just reading over the people i mention most in my diary sounds so jerry springer. i hope it helps point out whos who though. i’m sure ill be adding more and dropping some throughout this crazy mess.

well i got ahold of Trish. And talked with her about Scotty’s child support money for Nevaeh. she told me she’s glad that he let me know to tell her about it. because kristie is obnoxious and would spend her own child’s money. wow.

trish sounded so happy that scotty was helping nevaeh. i explained to her that he was in isabella and we didn’t have much time to talk. she asked me if i could help scotty come see her and he can spend his child support money on her with her since it’s his money anyway. she told me "i just want her to get to know her dad.. and Linda i know he trusts you.. and i trust you with nevaeh.. please bring him around here.. just visit her a few times and then you can take her out to see Scotty and let her meet her brother & sisters." i completely understood. i watch kelly’s kids.. and my other nieces Ashley’s girls… it felt good she gave that to me. she knows that i’m closer to scotty than anyone else in this circle of shit.

which is true. he knows kristie is my best friends sister. but i know scotty and kristie hate eachother. they fucked one time.. both of them were fucked up.. way before i even met him. and one time did it.. out came nevaeh. she told scotty if the baby came out white it was his.. and if it came out black it was her other guys. scotty grew anxious and started to disbelieve even after nevaeh was born.. as she grew though she was for sure scottys.. and as i rolled through the picture.. i was back and forth seeing nevaeh and then scotty i convinced him with updated pictures of her.. and he now let himself to believe.

im happy that he came to me with this.. and im even happier that i can help him with his own daughter.. that i’m closer to than he is. she knows me as aunt heffer.. since ashley’s girls call me aunt heffer all the time. the cow thing stuck i swear. but the fact that ill be able to hang out with scotty and nevaeh together makes me feel a crazy good happy feeling inside. im not trying to get back at rikki. but i don’t want nevaeh around rikki.. and trish specifically mentioned rikki to me that she is no where near nevaeh.. ahh the drama.

maybe i should call the springer show and dish it out there. i know rikki is probably going to be infuriated by the time scotty gets out. because thats when she will notice $600 of scotty’s money is going to nevaeh. she will NOT be happy.

she’s a gold digger. wants to exclude everyone.. especially nevaeh out of scottys head.

i feel so blessed. like im in a good position.. and i finally think scotty’s realizing how hard rikki is fuckin him over with money and child’s support. this bitch should flake off the face of this earth. i can’t stand females like that.

out of all the liquor stores in this city.. why did scotty walk into THAT one.

thought i could post a picture of this lovely rikki.. and some of me.. not tryin to strike up compliments but come on.. WHO WOULD YOU BANG?!?!?

yeah… thats what i said.. WOOOF.

or me even my best friend looks hotter than hers


i mean i don’t think im top notch. but seriously scotty.. NEEDS glasses. i wanna puke every time i see rikki. im on the left and my best friend ash is on the right.. =]


look at this fool ;]

i call him pee wee herman and he HATES it..
oh but it makes me laugh. =]

i love this man so much.

for my first musical entry i picked E.T. by Katy Perry & Kanye West.
seriously this song rocks my socks off. it reminds me of Friday.. with the drive-in. he did abduct me. and i named my Ford Focus "the apollo" my whip is the spaceship. ;] and E.T. is just like on fire. reminds me of scotty to a tee. =]

good night everyone. enjoy!



E.t. (feat. kanye west)

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April 8, 2011

🙂 This entry just all round made me smile hehe. And its good to be able to put names to faces 🙂 xx

April 8, 2011

The diary updates are great!

April 8, 2011

Hell yes, I’d pick you over her any day!!! 🙂

April 8, 2011

RYN: In our case Kendra (ex) would send Jason texts saying she missed him & loved him, couldn’t wait to live together, all this shit, while I’m living with Jason, then out of no where she send pics of this girl, then starts saying “it’s Kaila’s 1st birthday if you care” or “she’s in the ER if you care”. Jason & I got together before Kaila was born. He didn’t even know Kendra was pregnant. She was

April 8, 2011

married when her & Jason were “together”, but she told Jason that she was separated from her hubby. She got in an accident leaving Jason’s one night. He called her house to check on her the next day & her hubby answered and ripped him a new one. Jason told him, to take it up with her because she said they were split up. The whole time she was living with her hubby & their kids & screwing Jason &

April 8, 2011

another guy. That was the end of Jason & her. He don’t put up with that shit. We got together in April. Kaila was born in May. She kept trying to use Kaila as an excuse to talk to Jason, she would try to get back in the picture. Finally, he told her he wanted nothing to do with her & he wanted a paternity test. She wanted him to meet her to get it done & I said no way, you can do it through 2

April 8, 2011

different clinics. We refuse to pay for it & she won’t pay for it, so it was never done. After that we moved to FL (they live in PA still). She went to Jason’s uncle’s house and taped a letter & pictures of Kaila to a tree hoping Jason would get them since she knew we moved to FL, but had no other info. Jason’s brother told him the girl looks like him, but we didn’t see the pictures. We only ever

April 8, 2011

saw 2 pics of her through text & it was after our daughter was born a couple months before we moved to FL. I told Jason that our girl and Kaila looked alike, but we just left if go because of how Kendra used the girl. Since moving I’ve tried looking for Kendra online. She used to stalk my myspace & ask Jason all kinds of questions about it, so I knew she had to have a profile somewhere. I looked

April 8, 2011

for her for 3 years without telling Jason. I finally found her on FB about 6 months ago. I sent her a request from Jason’s FB. She immediately sent him a message saying “you need to call me” with her number, so he did & I guess they caught up (we had a huge fight because they talked about shit other then Kaila). Since then Kendra uses our FBs to find out info, then she has Kaila call & ask him

April 8, 2011

questions about stuff she read on FB. Kaila is 5 she can’t read FB or text, so therefore I know Kendra puts her up to it. Kendra calls Jason at 2am to whine about her boyfriend. Jason told her he’s not gonna be her friend, he wants to know Kaila that is it & that it was MY idea for him to get involved, so she better not piss ME off. She backed off. Now she rarely calls or texts. At one point she

April 8, 2011

tried to start shit, telling him that he was cheating on her with me, or cheating on me with her because she said they were still together when him & I got together. She said “I wanna know how you got married when you did, because we were still together.” He told her that she was full of shit. I know she is full of shit because Jason & I moved in together right away & he went straight to work &

April 8, 2011

back & he NEVER has gone anywhere else without me & she lived 2 hours away from where we lived. She’s just a nut job. She has never asked for child support. She claims she just wants Kaila to know her other brothers & sisters & her dad. Kaila has always been told Jason was her dad. She looks just like my step-son & our two littlest girls, so I’m sure she is his, but if she’s not, I will feel bad

April 8, 2011

for her being led to believe that Jason is her dad. On the other hand I feel terrible that Jason has never met her & wasn’t in her life for the first 5 years. I wish Kendra wasn’t such a douchebag. She still plays games saying she’s mailing us pictures & stuff & they never come. Kaila has a lot of life threatening medical problems & is hospitalized a lot. I bought her cards, candy & toys and sent

April 8, 2011

them, but that is the first thing she’s ever gotten from us. Kendra called ME at Christmas time asking if we were going to buy her anything or if she should buy something & put our name on it. We didn’t have money to buy anything, so I felt bad. Kendra called ME when Kaila was in the hospital because I show more interest in Kaila. Jason just doesn’t know how to act because he doesn’t KNOW her at

April 8, 2011

all & Kendra likes to play games when he does start to show interest. She sits in the background on the phone telling Kaila what to say & she told her to ask him if he knew her birthday & then started laughing. It’s stupid. It’s not a game. It’s a child. I wish we could have custody of her, but she doesn’t KNOW us & I don’t wanna rip her away from the family she does know. She has 4 brothers &

April 8, 2011

sisters at home (half blood) & she has 5 more brothers & sisters to get to know down here. It would be too overwhelming for her. So, my story with her isn’t THAT bad, but it’s frustrating. My OTHER story is Remmi’s mom. She’s not involved at all, she calls once a month MAYBE. She never paid child support until 4 years ago & got out of it the last 2 years by saying she moved out of the country.

April 8, 2011

Now that the IRS is catching up with her, she’s pissed. She owes $7000 & she claims she doesn’t. She & her new hubby say it’s not fair to their new baby that they have to pay all that money or she goes to jail. She’s back to paying bi-weekly, but she still don’t call or send gifts. She’s only seen him 4 times in the last 6 years for one day each & only because HER mom paid for the trips. Now that

April 8, 2011

she moved from PA to Utah she really doesn’t bother. She refuses to believe Remmi is as bad as he is. She calls me a liar & says I’m the problem. I’m the reason he’s bad in school & steals. That’s funny my other two kids don’t do that & are straight A students. She got mad saying I was trying to act like she’s a bad mom (duh) & that I was better then her (duh again). She ended up being HOMELESS

April 8, 2011

& sleeping in her car (which got booted & towed for unpaid tickets), then in a park WITH Remmi. The next day she TEXTED Jason saying he needed to come get Remmi. Hello, a responsible mother would have CALLED before making her 1-2 year old son sleep on the street. She’s a piece of work. There’s so much more I could say, but I already took up enough space here. I hate dealing with crazy baby mammas.

April 8, 2011

If I put the picture of Scotty next to Rikki and then next to you, YOUUUUUU are the one that makes the better couple, hands down. 🙂

Lol thats a much better photo of Scotty. I was thinking he was some trailer trash loser lookin dude from the last photo u posted lol. And rikki… Shes completely unfortunate looking. God bless her little heart. You..? = HAWT!! 🙂

April 8, 2011

she is not cute at all.

April 8, 2011

yeah I know. I found your diary randomly earlier, and I didn’t realize that that was an entry a while back until after I wrote the note. My bad! lol glad to hear that he will be out in a week 🙂

April 8, 2011

LMAO! OMG she is gross, she’s fat! You are beautiful 🙂