episode 69.

im going fucking crazy.

not even 5 minutes ago scotty called me.. i answered and NO one was there.. i freaked out i knew it was him trying to call..

then he called again two minutes later and i answered.. said it was an isabella inmate from scotty.. press one to accept.. so i press one and the call disconnected.. now he hasn’t called back


im fucking freaking the fuck out. i HATE this. now hes gonna think i cant talk to him. FUCK im so fucking pissed.

=[ =[ =[


ive waited like ten minutes and he hasn’t tried again.. probably done for the night.

why? why can’t i just talk to him. they even said it was a free call.

motherfuck i miss him.


i thought this would be fun for me to an extent. but this is definitely not.


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April 6, 2011

I’m sorry this is so hard for you : it sure seems like he does miss you tho… maybe this is a good thing for him to be in there and realize the things he needs to change in his life and how he needs to treat you better and to get his priorites straight and do what he needs to do! I hope you feel better! <333

April 6, 2011

hope he calls back! jail phones suck.

I know how you feel, I’ve had a few boyfriends in jail. He’ll call back, don’t worry!

April 6, 2011


April 7, 2011

I am so sorry. I can’t believe you’re going through this. I am sure it will be better soon. 🙁 xx

April 7, 2011

I’ve definitely been there girl, back in… ’08-’09 Josh was in jail for four months and then rehab for another four. It’s hard, I definitely understand your frustration and how your heart is hurting right now. Hang in there. At least just know that he is thinking about you since he’s trying to call. Hope you actually get to talk soon. <3

April 7, 2011

I hope he calls you back and you get to talk to him

April 7, 2011

Try to be patient even though its hard. Trust me he probably knows that the phones like that cut off. My ex husband was in prison for 9 years so we went through that all the time. He’ll get back at you when he can. Sometimes people dont always realize how incarceration hurts those left behind too. I’m here if you ever wanna talk.