episode 66.

just watched the Killing on AMC. i love that show already. so gooooooood.

last night i went to the village with ashley and corey. corey bought one pull tab. a hundred fucking dollars. holy shit. round of shots… lots of rounds. i love my best friends.

speaking of corey.. he set me up claiming he knew scotty and i were still seeing eachother behind everyones back.

so i asked him how? and then he said.. "well you just confirmed"

whatever. he got on my case about why should scotty or myself care if they know because "everyone knows" according to corey.

no not everyone knows. few people do. and i explained our relationship now being under the radar is way more relaxed then everyone talking about us.

he claimed that his wedding introcuded us.. which is true. and then he also said we are BOTH of your best friends to BOTH of you.. why can’t BOTH of you hang out with us TOGETHER?

i told him we will come around but we need to get ourselves in action. we need alone time. i dont live with scotty.. i am not married to him.. we are not exclusive.. and i just told corey that both of us were tired of defending our relationship and listening to all of the bullshit everyone else was telling us..

then he said "well either way everyone knows. we dont talk about it.. we all know you love him and its obvious we all know he loves you too so why are you guys so weird and its a secret shit?"

im sick of everyone looking at me like im being played and like hes the worst person in the world for doing it. after so many beatings the shit starts to fucking hurt.

but corey is right.. they are our best friends. i just told him since were always apart when we see each other we kind of take a night away from everyone..

and i told corey i dont want to mess anything up between us so far. ive noticed a huge difference in scotty since hes got his dui and he’s going to jail on tuesday.

just thinking about it makes me sad. i dont want him to go. i hate that i won’t be able to see or talk to him. for weeks. and rikki probably going crazy ape shit on my fucking phone.

=[ goodnight world.

at least i still have our room key.. and the rose he gave me on my dash..

im really not prepared to be missing him. i really hope he calls me before he goes to jail. =/


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April 4, 2011

aww hugs… i say do what makes you happy and fuck the rest of them. although they are prob just looking out for you but it’s well annoying when people just won’t butt out.

Ryn:: thanks, L!! You’re pretty, too!! 🙂 I’m gonna read ur weekend entries in a minute haha, I just haven’t had time yet :p

Tell Corey to mind his own business.

April 4, 2011

i hope he calls you, too. you`ve got the patience of a saint to have not gotten a new phone number yet, lol.

I’m jealous of your date! It sounds like he’s really trying to make things work with you. I kind of agree with you about keeping it on the low. If everyone knows, they’ll just give you sh*t & it’ll make things worse. How long will he be in jail?

April 4, 2011

i hope he calls you, too! <3

April 4, 2011

i think everyone just needs to mind their own business and stay out of your relationship. i say fuck em all. as long as your doing what makes you happy is the most important! How long is he going to jail for? I hope he calls you before he leaves.. Stay stong girl =)

April 4, 2011

I hope he calls! He’ll be missing you in Jail

April 4, 2011

ahh hunny!!! 😛 a drunken battle wound 😛 how did you get it? i would love to know 😛

April 4, 2011

I hope he calls! XOXO <3