Life update

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Got an iPhone for Mother’s Day (3GS). 😀

Kids are out of school for the summer. 😀

Got a Nook Color. 😀

Moved back to the town my husband and I grew up in. May 14th (I think)made one year since we moved back. 😀

Decided to get my permit, then my license. Currently studying up for my permit test. 😀

Got a new kitty in December named Katy. Her and Whiskers get along great. 😀

Jimmy’s mom passed away in May of 2009 and Jimmy’s dad passed away on Jimmy’s birthday in February of this year. 🙁

My sister still has breast cancer. 🙁

But the tumors are shrinking and some are gone completely. 😀

I stay up way too late and then complain about how tired I am, lol.


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June 14, 2011

Hi Tams! It’s nice to hear from you again! I recorded your new address. I’ve been so busy lately! I want a vacation, LOL. I’ll try to send a letter when I can. You might have to remind me so I don’t forget. 😉 I’m so behind on the times. I don’t even know what an Iphone is. I’m sorry to hear about the deaths in your family but I am happy to hear about the good news.

June 20, 2011

RE: I can’t keep up with all this technology. LOL.

June 29, 2011

I’m not on FB very often, but thanks for adding me. 🙂

September 7, 2011

Actually, the hotwire website says specifically that debit cards are not accepted. That’s why I was so bummed out!