
chris tells me at work "you know, every guy in here is looking at you when you turn your back" and i find it absurd. he asks me how i feel about that and i say "i have no idea why"… and i don’t. a baffling concept. 

there’s another guy there, daniel/"DH" who i think has developed a crush on me. it was actually pretty cute, i think i witnessed the exact moment when it happened.. i had caused a pile of pans to fall over onto the floor with a loud crash, and when i looked up people were looking at me expectantly. i just put a finger to my lips in a "shh" gesture and it must have been cute? the way he smiled, the look in his eyes, that was when it happened, i’m preeeeeeetty sure. guys are fairly transparent and easy to read. nothing will ever come of it, he’s not really my type (too "gangsta"), i just thought it was adorable. he puts on a tough guy act the rest of the time. 

i’m "quiet" there. i don’t really talk to anyone. i get nervous and i don’t know what to say, so i just quietly do my work. yesterday curtis talked loudly on purpose so that i could hear, "yeah she doesn’t talk to ANYONE! except chris, she’ll talk to chris." he wasn’t being mean, he was just trying to draw me into the conversation. i just thought it was funny, it’s true, i talk to chris, he was the first person i worked with so i guess i imprinted on him. he’s easy to talk to and the silly things he does make me laugh. speaking of crushes i’ve known he’s had one, but it will never happen there either (he has no ambition, among other things). 



i wonder about bitcoins. i started a wallet and i did some easy tasks to start filling it… so far i just have 300 µBTC which it tells me is 11 cents. but after reading the stories of the guys who invested just a little at the start, then forgot about it and it had turned into thousands of dollars… maybe it will be worth more in time? who knows. as long as i have free time i’ll keep trying to fill it up. maybe it’s a waste. but the growth of it recently i think shows promise. we’ll seeeeee.

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November 12, 2013

i thought of you today. i heard a woman speak whose job is to be an advocate for a group of about 200 university students. she mentioned that she tries to develop them into self-advocates which made me think, “i do that,” which might sound like i was thinking of me, but i was thinking of you.

November 13, 2013

ryn: that’s great! maybe i am the first to congratulate you.