
my roommate’s just invited me to go with her and some friends to a bar on the gay strip. should i try again and go? i’m afraid that if i decline she’ll think i’m perpetually not interested, but really i’m just tired after a semi-long day… first day of training at the aforementioned job, plus i’ve been doing a writing screen to apply for freelance editing work.

my sister’s trying to set me up with the editorial company she’s working for in tokyo. they take scientific papers by japanese authors and rewrite them into smoother english. despite all the uncapitalized crap i write in here (because, well, it’s a diary and more importantly it’s MY diary, and i like to think that it sounds like the inside of my head… that my thoughts are uncapitalized at core), i am actually really excellent at correcting capitalization, punctuation, and grammatical errors… it pays off sometimes, like when i got an 800 on that section of the SAT. this might actually be a good thing for me if i can pass the writing screen. it’s 13 pages of excerpts from scientific papers that i have to fix and rewrite… and i have to keep closing the file and then opening it a few minutes or hours later, once my mind has had time to clear and reset, to make sure it really flows properly. it’s tough, especially when you’re not familiar with the subject matter, but it will look good on a resume and it’s good practice for what i’ll have to do lots of in graduate school… so i’m kind of nervous. i hope i pass. i have until thursday to send it back to them, but i want to finish the main rewriting tomorrow, then sleep on it and have another fresh look at it the next morning. so monday, probably.


my successor in japan actually managed to sell the car to a mechanic for $200. apparently he could use some of the parts. that’s not bad. it sounded like the whole thing really stressed her out, plus i think she had to pay that much to change the title and attempt to fix the issues with it anyway… so it doesn’t matter if she keeps all the money. after she gets her october paycheck around the 21st she’ll pay me back another $600 for the furniture and appliances i sold to her, which is nice because i keep forgetting i still have that money coming back. 

when i get my japanese pension money back around january, to the tune of $9000, that is going to be REALLY nice. 


i still dream about japan eeeeeeevery niiiight.




the idea that i might not get into graduate school when i moved here on purpose with that specific intent… omg. so terrifying i could die. how long has it been? only two weeks since i submitted the application…? and they said it would take 4-8 weeks to be processed? aaaaaaahhhh… the torment would be all the worse because it’s supposedly a SAFETY! how embarrassing would it be to be rejected from a safety, aaaahh just aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

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October 5, 2013

It couldn’t hurt to visit the department you are applying to, if you haven’t already. I’m sure you present yourself well after presenting yourself for so long in Japan. And I bet you’re polite.

October 5, 2013

ryn: I work at a college and with that perspective I am pretty sure you could call and ask for a tour as a prospective student and they would try to assemble people to try to impress you with what a great place it is.