No More New Years Resolutions

LJ Writer’s Block Question: What, if any, resolutions did you make in 2009 and how many did you keep? Do you plan to make any resolutions for 2010? Do you find this tradition constructive or debilitating?

I used to make New Years resolutions, but eventually realized "What’s the point?" when I found myself often making the same ones over and over again, and that things were easier said than done. That’s why on January 1, 1999 I resolved not to make any more New Year’s resolutions, and to this day, I have met it.  Besides, I always have many things I want to accomplish every year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second, and only care about getting them done, not when I start.

I’m not sure if I ever found the New Years resolution constructive or not, but I know that people usually don’t meet their resolutions.  At times, I find it debilitating, because some people feel that they need to make resolutions, which is already stressful, and having to meet them is extra stress.  Finally, not meeting them by the end of the year could cause dissatisfaction and guilt.

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