the last have them are gone

One by one they’ve slipped off the face of OD. They’ve come, they’ve gone, they’ve touched my life. And it looks like the last of them have gone.

To confusedmonkey, agememnon… to dear guitar girl and Jake, thedrummer… to Dustin (mmmmhumph) and Sean the penguinlord, to Dustin (hiddenhurtingheart)…

Thank you for being a part of my life when I first ventured into this place… thank you for letting me be a part, albeit small, of your lives. I truly wish the best for you all – I hope that wherever you are and whatever you’re doing you’re still the smart, funny, deep people who once graced this void. I hope that you’ve gotten through everything you were dealing with and that your life is as fulfilling as you always wished.

And to you, my dear open diary – as always, do not delete this diary, I beg of you.


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May 29, 2007