little update turned not-so little update

As you know, being home means fewer late nights with a laptop in my bed and fewer needs to bear my soul. I have my Chris back; I have my de-stress time back. A month after bootcamp I’m so glad to be home. Life has gotten back to normal, and into a new groove of work every weekday.

Things are finally picking up at work; in fact it’s crunch time for my team. We’re doing a big release in early October, and yours truly is co-leading testing (UAT starts this week) and training. I’m also working on a couple other side-projects to keep me busy. Thank god! For awhile I was quite bored and feeling useless.

I have my new car! Let me just tell you that driving a 350Z everyday, while shallow and materialistic and yuppy, is extremely good for my mood. It’s so much fun to drive; I can’t say that enough. (Oh, and to the interloper who was parked in MY apartment complex with their Z… it’s MY complex… I was the first Z, and you had better leave. So there.)

We’ve pretty much slipped into the very bad habit of eating out for dinner everynight. We don’t really have the will, determination, energy, or initiative to actually get raw food and cook anything, not to mention Chris’ bizarre notion that we’re not actually spending much more than we would be buying food to cook in the apartment. I’m not so sure about all of that, but we can afford to do it at least while we get completely adjusted. I’m sure it will end soon; we’re getting sick of all the nearby restaurants.

We definitely miss all of our friends from school. It gets kind of boring and lonely not having them around. Friday night we’re in bed by 9:30pm reading… Saturday night we run out of ideas on what to do. It’s not that we did anything in college, but at least in college we were actively avoiding homework. Now it’s just like… well… there’s not a whole lot we “really should” be doing… and we don’t have an xbox, and our friends are not here. Ahh well. Hopefully we’ll see Al, Connor, Rob, & Teresa next weekend.

Random funny side note. I had a nightmare the other night that Nolan & Vanessa were getting married. (Nolan was my first boyfriend; Vanessa was my second boyfriend’s girlfriend prior to myself; Nolan and Vanessa have been going out for… well way too long to remember) At any rate, the funny thing is it wasn’t a nightmare because I have any feelings for Nolan whatsoever. It was a nightmare because I wasn’t able to get to him in time; no one should have to live with her. Funny how I rescued Alex from her, only to condemn Nolan to her. Well I thought it was amusing, anyway.

So what do people do with life? With weekends? Maybe we should start travelling… on some kind of small fixed budget.

– (Indecision)

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