when will this winter end?

And it’s dream time once again. That happens… you know… dreamergrrl and all… -wink-

But really I’m not going to go into a whole lot of detail, because I honestly don’t remember it that well. I do know that Chris B. appeared in the dream again… don’t so much remember who else. OOOH yes I do remember!!! It was like a Reach Out reunion or something… or at least I went back to wherever they were holding groups and visited. Saw all of these people I supposedly knew and recognized from camp (although when I woke up I was like… who was that??), and Chris S, Emily, I feel like Meg too but at the same time I don’t think it was actually her, Nicole from camp, and various other people. One girl hugged me and said to me, “Sometimes I know we should’ve been best friends.” I looked at her and replied, “You’re too young! You were just born in the wrong year!” I probably got the concept from Heather, but it definitely was not Heather.

This has relatively nothing to do with the dream anymore. Change topics.

Sometimes I just want to put another “darnit Aaron” out there… just to see what happens.

I woke up at 9am this morning. Yes, that’s right, I woke up at 9am… I barely wake up at 9am for my 9am botany class. Nevertheless, I got up, took a shower, did my hair (it’s very flippy-outty today), look outside, and thought… it’s still snowing???? Yes. That’s right. Another storm of the season. (A season that’s supposed to be over by now, I might add.) I promptly called my father at work, left him a message which he returned relatively quickly. We decided that the roads were entirely too icy/snowy to be driving to the game. That was sad… but eventually Justin cancelled, Kelly cancelled, and then Josh and Nate even cancelled. So no one went. Meanwhile I was sitting there at 10:30 fully dressed, hair done, makeup done, with nothing to do but turn on the tv. Me turn on the tv? Believe it, folks… it happened.

The good news is, and there is good news, that by the weekend it will be upper fifties up here… which means that down in good ol’ wherever it is I live for half the year, it should be even warmer. Heck yeah… h e c k y e a h. Ooh, too bad this guy I know in North Carolina can’t roll down his windows… -sticks out tongue- 😉 The great thing is he loves me to death and can’t possibly hate me for that comment… right?

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too bad this girl I know from Ohio can’t go anywhere because of the snow while I am baking in 70º weather…funny stuff. the infamous, aaron