the college life
Man – it’s been almost a week since I last wrote. Time is measured differently in college, I’ve found. Time moves quickly and slowly all at once. For example, the first two weeks here have absolutely flown by. At the same time, it feels like I’ve been here for a month. Does this make any sense? On the one hand, it’s hard to believe it’s been a week since my last entry, and yet I could swear it’s been a month since I was home.
Let’s talk about that – let’s talk about this issue of home. Well, quite frankly, I don’t miss it. I really truly don’t. I’ve heard that homesickness comes within the first two weeks usually – or at least that’s supposed to be the hardest time. Can’t say I’ve had that problem. Not that I hated home or wanted to get away from my parents as much as most – just that I was done with that life. I’m ready to not have parents – I’m ready to not be in high school – I’m ready to branch out and meet new people. People are going home this weekend – 3 days and all. Didn’t we just get here??? I mean, really, people, we just moved in, or moved out, or whatever it is that we did. This is home now… I’m not ready to leave. Going “home” wouldn’t feel like going home anyway… my stereo’s not there, my makeup mirror isn’t there, my pictures aren’t there, my pillow isn’t there, my cat… my cat will never be there again. It’s not home anymore. But then again, what is home? Have you ever gotten the feeling that you wanted to go home? But you were home? So really, it just depends… it’s all relative.
I should post my english journals up here… it’d give you all somethin to munch on. Not exactly about my life, but it’s still writing.
There’s a lot of reading that I have to do. Not so much studying, but rather reading articles and books and things posted online. Time-consuming, yes, interesting yes. I like the way I have a day of classes and then a day of reading… it feels more like I can get out of my schooling what I want to get out of it.
My corridor is awesome. There are some really awesome girls down toward the north end of the 2 central. (That’s my corridor – the central cuties, as Jill puts it.) I’m surprised at how many of them are Christians, and it feels so comforting to have that common bond with them. I’ve also made some quircky friends through my roommate Jamie. She’s still in band, whereas I’m a band drop-out, so I’ve met some band people (and band wannabe’s and band drop-outs) through her. I feel really comfortable around them… I think all band people are created equally-weird. It’s nice.
I seem to have lunch with boys from my calc II class everyday. Usually Kenny, sometimes Nick. Alex has yet to join us, but we always invite him. Odd. The thing is, we have calc at noon. Bad time to have any class, in my opinion. We always are eating at around 1, which means we might as well just eat with each other. Plus most of us are in the same dorm… and that’s cool.
There are some other girls in a dorm also in the MET quad that I’m friends with. However, I haven’t seen them in FOREVER I think. Strange. We’re going to hang out this weekend. -lovely 3 days-
A note about the people from home that are here – individually I get along with all of them – feel comfortable around them. I’m getting along with Meg really well lately, which is a relief, and am usually absolutely comfortable with her. Kelly is great as well, as long as it’s either one on one or Meg as well. Heck, I even get along with Chris lately – like we walk to our IDS class together and sit with each other. However, put them all together? Suddenly I feel like I’m the outcast, the brunt of jokes – the nerd, basically. Which is strange. I don’t like it. On the one hand, I can dance around them as a group, because, well, I’ve done it before, but I just can’t feel totally comfortable. Maybe it’s all internal, but I dont’ think so.
That Chris boy confused me greatly today. Don’t understand. Not at all.
I’m so glad that I still have Kristen… I really am. I wish Gretchen could have AIM too. I feel very distant from Gretchen right now, and I feel like I’m still talking with Kristen.
I really need to go to bed before 1 today. Sleep is good, sleep is needed… early class day tomorrow – MWF, 10am. (Lol, I’m so pampered.)
I love erin!!
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I have AIM too….(frown). You can talk to me….(double frown).
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