band, muffins, and holding hands

Unfortunately it was all in a dream… *le sigh* as some of us say, non? Yes yes, quite the dream I had last night. I’m not quite sure how to deal with it all. Someone quick grab a dream dictionary and help me out! (unfortunately I can explain it all on my own…)

You know how occassionally you’ll have a dream where a person in it looks like themselves and even their name is right? It seldom happens, but it’s even more rare to find a dream in which 4 people appear named and looking as in real life. (and I actually know all of them in real life… as opposed to Agamemnon who has these type of dreams involving people he’s never met!!! 😛 ) “Allow me to set the stage?” {YES, Man of La Mancha once again… don’t start with me…}

******enter dreamland******

I’m hanging out with 3 of my friends, 2 of whom I hang out with in real life. I was in the car with Jill, Ron, and Matt the sophomore tuba. Somehow we ended up back at my house, where my mother was baking all sorts of muffins. Lots and lots of muffins… wheat, bran, blueberry, chocolate chip… you name it, she was baking it. Jill was trying to decide what to try. Something about being a vegetarian? Which she is… but how that relates to muffins I’ll never know. Butter… yeah we were putting butter on them too. No clue.

We all pretty much ended up in my room, where Ron and Matt decided to pretty much take a nap. When I got up there they were each on seperate corners of my bed napping peacefully. It was cute, but I remember thinking that I forgot to change my sheets today (which I had in real life)… At any rate, there was something going on over at the high school that I’d just found out about. The band from Andy’s high school was supposed to be over there. I couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t contacted me to tell me he’d be just down the street from my house at our high school! I was a little upset, and kept telling everyone that we needed to hurry up so that we could go over there and find Andy. Mind you this was all taking place at around 11 pm. Between muffins and the boys sleeping and all that, I never got over to the high school. I remember dropping them off in the car late at night, then driving Jill home, but not wanting to go straight to her house because we needed to talk…

Next day, I go over to the high school, where I find Andy’s band director and ask where he is?? I was informed that he was in the lower band, which didn’t come to my high school. I was slightly bummed… I got over it? Suddenly I was somewhere in the middle of the day talking to Andy! I think it was at his high school or something… not sure. He said something about not getting to hug me in real life because it’s been so long. I was just like… well you idiot, this is real life now, so you can hug me… He didn’t hug me for some reason. Instead we held hands. As we held hands we were walking towards a group of people in the distance… I think we were about to step onto a football field or a soccer field that we had to cross to get to these people. That’s all I remember.

******exit dreamland******

So here’s my analysis. Ron was in the dream because last night I was up until 2am fighting/talking with him. Jill was in the dream because we have talked about friends and I do drive her home sometimes??? Not sure on her. Matt was in the dream because Aims and I have discussed him as a possible prom date for her. Muffins were in the dream because my mom recently stocked up on the easy muffin mixes, and we’d just discussed the fact that if I wanted I could make them this week. Andy was in my dream because we’ve talked a lot this week, and we actually did just talk about hugging recently. Band was in the dream because, well, my life is band??? Riiight… So it’s a pretty bad excuse for a dream. Anyone have any better ideas?

Anyway, I’m off to be

~swept away in dreamland~



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man, i love dreams, i havent had any (or remembered them i guess) for a while. about a month ago i was remembering my dreams almost every night for over a week, and they were all interesting, it was wonderful

that is weird…