It is what it is

I answered the phone to Michael’s breathless words, "Don’t be mad Mom. Please don’t be mad or upset or anything like that. Well actually even if you were that wouldn’t change anything but I don’t want you to be mad. Don’t be hurt either. Really just listen. Okay?"
As I tried to wrap my brain around all of the possibilities these words conjured I was very glad that I was already sitting down. Suddenly I decided he was right. If he had already "done it" then nothing I did or said would really change anything. Then I let my "mom" self take over for a split second of rapid fire questions. "No one is pregnant? No one is hurt? No one needed bail money?" An annoyed "No" greeted all queries.
My Michael has a tattoo. Again he rushed to explain. No he didn’t get a vulgar or explicit tattoo on a visible body part. Thank You God. His canvas was his right forearm. The design was his own. Apparently the artist was really impressed with it. It consists of an antique skeleton key that is about eight inches in length. The head of the key is four-leaf clover design of sorts only with hearts making up the leaves of the clover. The clover is for luck and the hearts are in remembrance. The key itself is in honor/memory of my daddy. The teeth of the key are not really teeth but a puzzle piece, again for my daddy.
Michael has been really missing his PeePaw. He said it felt good to look down at his arm and know that his granddaddy was with him, sort of guiding his hands. I wanted to tell him that daddy had never really left him. The love and life’s lessons are always going to be a part of him.
Michael seemed a bit giddy with relief that I didn’t have a major meltdown over his bombshell. I cornered my husband before Michael got here and told him to "listen" first. I think Michael was actually geared up for an explosion and was actually a bit let down that there wasn’t one.
Rick on the other hand threw his hands up in disgust. "You do realize that the only reason I don’t have one is that Dad threatened to use a belt sander to remove it if I got one?" I had to laugh because those were his daddy’s exact words. Now granted they were said when Rick was in high school. I guess some things stick a lot better than others.
I am glad that Michael finds comfort in his memories of his granddaddy. It really is a cold cruel world and if a little bit of ink (and an even smaller dose of rebellion) helps provide warmth and security for him then there really isn’t anything to say against it. He IS 19 years old, serving his country and living on his own. I suppose I should be grateful he cared enough to be concerned about my reaction.
If I am completely honest his design is very creative and it is actually growing on me. Mama on the other hand may never be able to look at it without shuddering a bit. I must remember to remind her that no one is pregnant, dead or in jail. That has to count for something.

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June 9, 2010

I guess if my daughter can get a tatoo then your son should be able. She got hers just before she left for Iraq. I was thinking how hard Mom and I had tried to make sure she was protected and saved from harm only for her to cover her whole back with a likeness of the Virgin Mary.

June 10, 2010

yeah we can live with that, cant we?

June 10, 2010
June 11, 2010

well, if no one is pregnant, dead or in jail… it can’t be too bad, now can it?!! take care,