Its 4:00 AM

Its 4:00AM and I cant fall asleep right now.

Sorry about not updating sooner,

I forgot to write about my super awesome trip to Coachella. My friend E got us free vip tickets, free taxi to the bus and back, free bus pass to Coachella from the hotel, a lot of free food, $200 credit to our room, the hotel we stayed at was amazing.  When we meet up with our group the organizer gave us an envelop with some "spending cash" and there was 150 bucks in it !!!!!!!!!   I talk might more about this in a friends only post.   

My friend E got hired on as a Chicago Cop like 3 weeks ago. I got to say I’ve been rather happy for him but shit, he is not really a cop if you were to guess he would be doing. (and he can be a rather big asshole at times) I’m rather sure he is only doing it because will get paid like 70k after the probationary period. I guess I cant hate on that since thats a shit ton more than I am making right now.   I have been feeling like I would be so much better than he will be.  


I have been mostly just going to my job and then working out more than usual and playing random video games to  relax at home.  I’ve been trying to save some more money but it seems like its much harder after I had to pay for 2 new tires and shocks and struts in my car for a grand total of 2,000.    I get back having a 4k my checking account in like a month but for right now I’ve stopped putting cash aside every pay check for a down payment on a house. 

I’ve putting money aside for a new car and a money so that I can put aside 5k into a ROTH account. After doing some math it will take a long ass time to save up 21k for a new car at a rate of $200 bucks per paycheck like I want.  At least I have 3k saved up for that new car but, common


For the last 3 weeks I have been riding my bike to work to save money on gas and other auto related costs.  I had to get my back gear shifter & the back wheel fixed on my bike ($75)  So I guess I gotta get my moneys worth out of it right? 

Riding my bike to work and has worked out rather good for me so far because I am saving money and when I end up leaving for work in the morning its rather cool so I am not sweating too bad when I get to work.  I park my bike in the underground garage at work.  After work I just change into one of the offices and then I either ride my bike home or ride to my the gym to run and weight lift.  

This morning I ran 4 miles.   I have been wanting to run  a half marathon this Fall but since the furthest I’ve like ever really run was like 4.5 miles IDK how realistic that really is, but its my goal right now.


I got rather depressed like a week ago.  I dont know what exactly got me out of it but I am feeling much better today.  Im sure not sitting around wondering what other people are doing and being all lonely not doing shit it part of it. 


I hope everything is good when you guys.  Sorry about replying to many diary entrys for last 3 months, I’ve been reading every single entry for everyone i’ve bookmarked. 

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July 21, 2012

Wow. It really sounds like your entire life is right on track. saving for a car, a house, the money for a ROTH account.. I’m super impressed! Congrats =) And Coachella… how in the hell did you guys get so lucky?? Keep on keepin on!

July 30, 2012

Hey there… I know it’s been forever. But I just want to let you know that I didn’t forget about you and you (as well as the rest of my favorite people on here) are always in my thoughts 🙂 Much love + a Yacht full of Peace <3

August 14, 2012