Late entry + 1

Well to start off I think I was over happy to report that I have lost more weight than I really had. The totally weight loss is somewhere around 15+ pounds right now. Im happy with the progress I have seen so far. Keep in mind that I have gained muscle and muscle mass weighs more than fat. My goal was to get in a healthy BMI (body mass index). To start my BMI was 27.6 and now my BMI is 25.7 My goal was to get under 25 BMI.


BMI Categories:

  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

  • Overweight = 25-29.9

  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

BMI is not a good way assessing fitness level because it only looks at height and weight. It does not take anything else into consideration.


I would really like to be able to run a marathon some day. But I got to keep my goals realistic and achievable for the short term right? I’ll be thinking about my new goals for the next week or so. Right now I think I am right about 197 pounds. I would like to lose at least 10 more pounds.





I was going to apply for a Physiology/Anatomy II class at my community college here but it requires a prerequisite Bio class. I send my fucking transcript over way back in the Spring and they still have not checked to see what class would transfer to the college.


Of coarse the only class open has the professor from HELL according to This what I get for procrastinating for this long. FML.


I want to take this class to so I can get into the X-ray Tech program at another CC near by (fucking 30min drive).


I think I will have to head over there on Thursday because there is open house thing where they have info for people interested in applying for the program. I will also head over there to try applying that A/P class. AND talk to a carrier dude to talk about other options I am thinking about right now.


More updates to come.


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August 18, 2010

Good job keep up the hard work!!! No, BMI’s don’t tell much at all do they.. But I also thought of the xray tech thing at one time. Good luck with everything, it will all work out =)

August 18, 2010

Congrats on all the progress! I know from experience how difficult it can be to lose weight. Also, good luck with all that class stuff 😉 Ryn: I was so uber confused during most of that episode lmao. I wouldn’t be able to ruin the 3rd season for you because I don’t know what’s going on! Lol. There was a HILARIOUS kill scene, though… I laughed for 2 minutes straight! Love + Peace.