I getting hot in here


I had an amazing weekend.    It was crazy hot at work today.  🙁      It super hot.   It had to be like 80 in there because the chocolate in the lunch room area was starting to melt.         I didnt do too much after work 🙁  I know I am lazy and worthless.  I say that because I wasted time watching random TV shows.    I say worthless because I did not even like the two shows that much.   


Oh well,  my head kind of hurts me now so I am gonna go read while I my eyes still let me.            

Tomorrow. Im only working a half day.  If I wake up soon enough and my legs are feeling good enough I will go for a workout in the morning.  

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May 24, 2010

aww i hoped u picked a good book to read! much lovee…

May 26, 2010

haha aww thanks for the note… and i bet u can pull off the “bieber look” better then he does. 🙂 i hope everything is going well with u much lovee…

May 26, 2010

hmm i might not ave understood ur note correctly now that i reread it haha…. hmm and ill have to put that book on my list of books to read 😉 much lovee…

May 28, 2010

thanks for the note…. and being concerned 🙂 much lovee…

June 10, 2010

haha i saw the title of this entry and got excited 😛