
Favorite color:  Blue

Place of birth? Chicago, IL

Hometown? Park Ridge, IL

Where do you currently live?  Park Ridge, IL

What pets do you have? Names and ages?  NO

If you were an animal you would be a______ because_______.

Im thinking a whale would be fun to swim around all day would be fun

Your pet peeves/ things that bother you are:   When people blow me off and are not paying attention to me.

I think my faults are:   I think too much and research too much when I just need to decide and pick something and buy it

What is your favorite candy?  Cow tails or caramel

Craziest thing I have ever done was –   Not gonna say here

Something random about yourself…     I am left handed

Which countries outside of the U.S.A have you been to?   Mexico and some islands in the carabean but idk if they would be countries….

How many cousins do you have?   uh… 12 on my dads side.  Im not gonna count my cousins on my moms side right now

How many siblings do you have?  3

Bands/ artists which you have seen live:  None.  I need to see some fucking shows

In your past life , you were a _____ or ____ has probably happened to you:

Barbarian OR someone out in the wilderness for a long time

What country were your great grandparents born in? uh…..   USA, POLAND, SOUTH KOREA (prolly), maybe Germany as well.  And my mom doesnt know who her dad is

What languages can you speak besides english?  Does body language count ?

Your top 5 favorite female music artists:  Lily allen,

Your top 5 favorite bands:



Type o negative


I cant think of a 5th one right now. 

Your top 5 favorite actors or actresses:
         The dude from House

          Bill Murry

          Scarelt johansen

Your top 5 favorite authors

JD. Salanger.   Allan Moore

Number of tattoos or piercings you have?  Zero

What is your favorite subject academically, or what is your major in school?   History

Do you or did you used to play an instrument? Which one(s)?    No

Foods that you dislike or are disgusted to eat?   No, I am a goat.  I will eat almost anything

What are you allergic to?    I think I might be allergic to bees

Genres of music which you like and genres which you can’t stand? I like metal/alt rock.  I can also go for the electornic and much lighter stuff but I like how metal get my going and yet very soothing sometimes.      I cant stand contry or most hip hop/rap music

Name a scent that disgusts you (besides feces!)    None

Famous people you have met:     Little Bow Wow,  (i think that is it)

The coolest U.S city you have been to is ________ because_________.

              San Fran.     I loved the arcetechture and the weather when I was there

The craziest animal which you have ever pet/held?          Scorpin

Favorite Sports team (s)?     Cubs/Bears

If you could avoid one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?                Having a converation about sex with my parents

Have you ever:

Been streaking/skinny dipping? No
Been arrested?   No
Cheated academically and gotten away with it? Yes
Been in a serious car accident? No
Stole a man or woman from one of your friends? No comment
Broken up with someone via text message or email? No, that would be brutal
Broken a bone? Yes, at least 2 times
Had braces? Nope, I got good teeth
Had teeth pulled? Yes, 4 I think
Taken an honors class in jr. high or high school?  No
Been to California (if you don’t live there)? Yes
Swam in the Caribbean Sea? Yes
Went on a cruise? Yes
Shot a gun?   Yes, shot guns and a AR-15
Acted in a play or musical? No
Taught a class? No
Saved someone’s life (that you know of)?     No
Got walked in on having sex or fooling around?     Yes
Climbed a tree?   Yes
Had a weird/major illness?      I had a bone grown on my left knee it about the size of a golf ball.  I got it surgically removed in high school.  I got a scar there now.                   I also have a skin condition called psoriasis.  Its not that bad in the summer b/c the sun helps it

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May 6, 2010

Lily Allen is HOT !!!!

May 6, 2010

where did you find this one?? and i would say body language counts 😛 and ur soo lucky that you didnt have to get braces!!! so jealous! and u swam in the CARIBBEAN!!! thats awesome! much love….