Attack Life Or Life Will Attack You

I am in the attacking life kind of mindset right now.  I have a lot on my mind right now and as soon as I get home I am going for a long jog to kick my ass.     I have a couple different things I plan on doing after I get home from my run.  

I am feeling rather fat right now.    I do not feel like I have control of very much right now so if running my ass is the one way I can change things I am going to go all out.  I know its not a solution to my problems but I like knowing I actually making a difference somewhere, somehow.


One of those days where you I am trying to put on a brave face for everyone else.

Im tired of the real world

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April 26, 2010

You make a difference babe. And you really don’t have to put on a brave face if you don’t want to.

April 28, 2010

i hate those days… i really do. and i feel the same way.. i feel like im getting fat but when i check with the scale… it says im not. haha but yea i think that is a good idea…. i gotta start running some more. that brave face has come out for me too…. recently…. its been a little too often. much love 🙂