An Epiphany

I realized I waiting for something (before).      Like something would magically fucking happen I would get serious about everything in my life.   This is a very stupid feeling I am having.  Why the fuck would I wait???    I really need to think things out sometimes.   This my seem very simple for you but that is not the case for me.     I did not see a point in it all before.   


When I said I was on a different road,  this is what I mean.  I did not articulate what I meant very well.  



On a side note I found this video very….. "The World Would Be Better If Everyone Watched This Video"


I was rather moved


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April 12, 2010

wow… that video was something! I hate when u wait for something that never happens! one of the worst feelings! and hey u changed ur layout… i like 🙂

April 13, 2010

Ya I am depressed from some days. I dot knoe what to say here.

April 14, 2010

When my brother was 24, he was waiting around for something magical that would make him get serious. Well it happened. And that something was a illegitimate child with the next door neighbor. So before anything like that happens to you, I suggest keep yourself busy…with anything but the neighbor’s daughter.

April 14, 2010

Again, I’m sorry to say, I can’t watch the video at the moment :(. I understand what you mean about waiting for something to make you realize what you have to do. I was there. It’s not always easy to see that you shouldn’t wait for that. It took me a little while to figure that out myself. I just stopped waiting for that recently. It’s a difficult thing to do.

April 15, 2010

thanks for the advice 🙂 and no if u knew me… like face-to face ya know? u would know that im not that type of girl. remember im the SHY girl. haha and yes i agree peoples definitions of boyfriend are different. idk. we will see what life brings 🙂 talk soon!

April 28, 2010

I watched the video. It was moving. Made me feel quite insignificant. Maybe you should put into action a change. Waiting can be disappointing. Good luck =)