Oh the title you ask ?……………     All Day I Dream About Sex


Today had some rather awesome weather.  I slept in a couple hours, that felt really good.  After I got up I really felt….. like I need should go run.  It was a rather good run, I went running in my aquaman shoes.  Here is a link the shoes > http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/products/products_classic_m.cfm                     I rather love running in them, I did not think I would like them as much as I do.  In the future I will try to buy shoes with small arches and thinner soles (for the winter at least)   I should have stopped when I did (because my calf was starting to tighten up) but I decided I should push myself.  It probably not a good ideas since my calf is feeling a little tight right now.  I will prolly make a post on going to those shoes later. 

After my job I raked up some of the yard with my sister.  That was not that bad but after bagging 3 bags of twigs and shit for a hour I hit my limit.  I came inside and took a shower and then I laid around room and then I remember to check my mail and I got a letter from my love.   : ) It was super cute.    She thought it might be kind of lame or whatever for me but I loved it.


Kinda feeling lonely tonight.  But it is partly my fault for that one. 


ttyl, internet




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April 11, 2010

haha yea right after i left that note i went searching and found out how to do it. haha. and nope it wasnt a co-ed softball game… im on the college team. idk how much longer its gonna last but we will see… i gotta find out it there is an intramural team 🙂 haha u sound just like my guy best friend.. he is always lookin for ways to meet some new ladies… too funny! and what? u know who?

April 11, 2010

haha this entry is too funny… ur talking about shoes? haha i kinda wanna go for a run now 🙂 aww thats cute that u helped ur sister with the yard. yea an hour of bagging would push me to my limit too. im with ya… ive been a lonely one for a while now. i gotta find someone 🙂 talk soon

April 11, 2010

ohh and by the way… its all day i dream about SPORTS!! 😛 haha too funny!

April 12, 2010

Pushing yourself past your limits feels good most of the time. There are almost always consequences, but it’s nearly always worth it. can’t say I enjoy raking leaves, but I do enjoy showers and lounging in my room.

April 12, 2010

I see you made some new friends… And you changed your colors!!!! You really do pay attention to little things (and so do I)