F is For Foreskin

Yea realizing part of your dick is missing sucks BIG TIME 

I had used some tap to cover my dick head to see if it would make a difference in how I feel.  After just a couple days it seemed more sensitive.   After that I was rather convinced and I started thinking

"Is this really going to work? Eh, no harm done if it doesn’t. Nothing ventured, nothing gained."  A little over a month ago I purchased my tlc tugger.  I got the TLC-x version that does not require tape, YAY !                 

I have only been wearing it at home because I dont want to have to worry about it falling off at work……. But ya,

So far I have noticed a change, BUT after doing much more reading I realized that it will take much longer than I thought it would.  Part of the reason it take so long is that new skin is being grown.  If it is done too quickly stretch marks occur. 

There are two main reasons why I want to get this done:

1.  I want to protect my penis when its not errect in pants

2.  Masterbating with foreskin feels good, so I want more of that. 

I also really was not thinking about not making this entry but in the end I decided I should write something in case other men out there were wondering the same thing I was. 


Wondering is there is anything that could be done?  Yes




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