Wondering What Todays Post Would Be

So today  I didnt go to work because its slow at my dads business.   I sure as hell want to make money but right now he cant put me on to work.  I totally understand and I am not pissed at him.  

Today I slept in.  Then I watched some shows on hulu and then played some video games.  I thought I would have enjoyed than that I did.  IDK I just seem to not be enjoying the same stuff I used to anymore.  I used to be really into video games and shit but they have really been losing their appeal lately. 

Today I walked over the community center to workout.  I only did 2 miles on the treadmill and then walked back.  I should have done more but I went the day before so I do not feel that bad.  When I work out I need some faster paced music to get me energized to run.  Mostly I go with metal but I have other non-metal on my playlist. 


I really liked seeing the sun the morning.  I laid in my bed with my shirt on just laying in the sun.   It was fun just feeling the warmth on me.  Stupid winter needs to end.  Im really tired of wearing jackets and getting my shoes wet in the snow.  I should prolly go snowboard but oh well.

And I leave you with a quote  today "All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."

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