Hittin it hard

 That’s the plan anyway. I signed back up at the gym and went last night.  Did the Jillian Michaels 45min treadmill routine and actually made it all the way through so I’m pretty happy with myself.  I haven’t worked out in forever so I’m just glad I didn’t fall out lol.  Then did Zumba tonight and I’m already feeling it.  It’s a good hurt though :).  It was a good feeling to get back to the gym -it’s been too long.  When I was on a fitness regimen last year I went from 218 to 183. So 35 pounds lost all together.  Since March I have gained a couple pounds so I started at 187 this time.  I’d like to drop probably 20 more pounds.  I think the 160s is about right for me.

Anyway, other than that not much to report. Work is busy as shit, and my classes started back up this week.  This class and then one more – and by July I’ll have my MBA. Woohoo! 🙂

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January 5, 2012

Awesome! Oh I googled that Jillian Michaels thing. Maybe I will work on that sometime!

January 5, 2012

New year! New beginnings! Good luck! <3

January 11, 2012


January 16, 2012

sorry then i took it in a difent way :S

January 17, 2012

I lovvvve Jillian Michaels! Getting in shape is by far the best gift you can give yourself! :). I put on some extra weight about 5 years ago and one day just decided I was over it. Never looked back and Ive kept it off ever since! I dont have time to work out much anymore, but luckily being a carrier now keeps me fit. RYN: Congrats on getting married in october! 🙂

January 19, 2012

ryn: thank you!, my tattoo artist is a god. i’ll do a more detailed pic in the next few days once its better healed. keep an eye out 😉 i love birds, magpies and robins in particular. and honestly, the more i have inked on me, the better! 😀 xx

January 22, 2012

RANDOM — Hope your fitness goal goes well =)

January 25, 2012

RYN: Thank you for the congrats! 🙂 Good luck with your fitness goal and getting your MBA!