I wish I could take the hurt away.

It’s been a while since I’ve written.  Things have just been busy and every time I start writing I lose inspiration halfway through. 

Travis’ Aunt passed away early this morning.  I found out after Travis left the RV this morning and got home.  He sounded okay, probably still a little in shock.  His Aunt fought cancer for many years and got through it but with a poor immune system from all of the treatments and whatnot.  She was in and out of the hospital and I guess this last time was just too much.  It started as a cold and turned into pneumonia.  Things were looking up, but last night her body finally said enough is enough.

Trav called me a few minutes ago to tell me his Grandma said she really appreciated the facebook message I sent to her.  It wasn’t much.  Just a “I’m so sorry for your loss.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do” sort of message.  But I’m glad to hear it was helpful.  Of everyone, Travis’ Grandma is the person my heart hurts the most for.  She lost her husband of 50 years in October, and now her daughter.  We’re going to go see her tomorrow after work to keep her company for a bit.  Travis said his Mom and Grandma are both pretty much broken down right now.  He thanked me for being so sweet and sounded like he was having trouble talking at one point.  I tried to make him laugh a little so hopefully that helped.

I just feel so helpless at times like this.  It’s not like other situations where I can do something to help.  When Travis got laid off I helped him put his resume together and suggested routes he could take in regard to school.  When Travis decided on a date to move out of his parents’ house I gave him advice on budgeting and started helping him look for apartments.

But with this… there is nothing I can do.  At least this time, unlike when his Grandpa passed away, I am in the area and not clear across the country.  So I will do what I can to at least be present, and be there to comfort him if he needs comforting.  We’re going to work out this afternoon and I think that will help.  And we’re working out Wednesday as well.  If I can help keep his mind occupied at least, maybe that will be helpful.

My heart aches for him and his family.  I just want to take their hurt away.

Okay. 4 hours of work left.  Time to immerse myself in it.



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February 28, 2011


February 28, 2011

ryn: thanks for your note hun. I hope this new start of yours is going well. Love your diary name xx