Letting go of who I was…

So I was going back and forth yesterday all day about whether I would go to Zumba this morning or not.  I have been hurting from Wednesday.  And not just normal workout hurting, like I may have strained my muscles hurting.  It’s just my quads – the rest of me is fine.  Anyway, I didn’t want to push it and hurt myself, but I REALLY wanted to go.  This morning though, I texted my girlfriend that was supposed to go with me and she said the rain was making her want to sleep, and I told her me too so we decided to nix Zumba and go next week. 

I feel guilty for not going, but at the same time the logical side of me is saying it’s probably best that I just rest my muscles and not push too hard.  Live and learn :-).  I’ll be fine by tomorrow and then I can start working out again.

Last night was a nice relaxing night.  Travis and I went to this Mexican restaurant nearby for a beer and some food, then we came back to the RV and just hung out on the couch.  We watched Anchorman, he ended pulling me back into the bedroom :-), I read for a bit and went to sleep.  Had another romp this morning (woohoo! Lol) and then he headed off to work.  All in all, a good start to the weekend.

Moving on, my question for the day:

Day 7: a show or a movie that has changed you, and how

This is going to sound weird, but my answer would be Sex and the City.  I used to watch it all the time and even have the box (boxed?) set of all 6 seasons.  Although a lot of the show was very superficial, there were certain episodes that had nice messages.  There’s one where Carrie says “Sometimes I think you have to let go of who you were… to become who you will be.”

That’s one quote that I have lived by quite often because there is so much wrapped up in my past.  For so long, I was so focused on that that I had a hard time moving past it.  I was so worried about who I was, and if I really was that person or if I could change, that I didn’t allow myself to change.  And that hindered a lot of my growth as a person.  Once I let go of who I was, and realized that I had the power to change myself, I finally came into my own so to speak.  I realized who I am and what I want and the rewards have been plentiful, to say the least.  I have an amazing man in my life who I want to marry one day and have a family with, I have a great job and am doing quite well in it, I’m doing well in school and am well  on my way to my MBA, and overall I am quite happy.

All that because I became forward-facing instead of focusing on my past.  It was one of the best things I could have ever done for myself :-).

Well, off to shower and get a massage – I hope all of you are having a great weekend!



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January 15, 2011
January 15, 2011

Ryn: Yeah, Broadcast are a ridiculously good band, and I just feel so bad that I’ve never heard of them.

January 16, 2011

RYN: Yes!!! I remember you!!!! Did you switch diaries or just change your name?

January 16, 2011

nothing like a good romp in the morning

January 16, 2011

Oh, the reasons I don’t sleep. Perhaps a whole blog dedicated to that. I have been trying to but I fail miserably. I have so much going on in life. Next week will be a week of hell and reality. My life may end (preverbially speaking) and I will be thrown into a reality that hates me before they even know me. To sum it up, depression. 😉

January 17, 2011

RYN: Not too much to read to catch up. I had been gone from OD for a while and came back. But the big thing is I moved from NY to PA and now live 1.5 hours away from home. I still work in NY though.

January 17, 2011

RYN: PA is okay. The city we live in is similar to my old one except its smaller and doesn’t have jobs for me. So yeah, I still work in NY and drive back and forth here and there. But hey, at least its money! That’s all I could ask for! Glad things are going good! Glad to see you back!