Man, It Huuuuuurts.

SO sore.

I feel pretty good about my week.  I’ve been really productive, for the most part.  I’ve had some difficulty over the past few weeks staying motivated at work so it’s nice to get back in the groove of things.  I’ve been working out more too, so I think that’s helping.  Giving me routine and structure and whatnot. 

Tuesday night I did 40 minutes of Zumba on the Wii, which kicked my ass, and did 30 minutes of yoga.  I think the yoga helped me with the cool down process because I wasn’t sore on Wednesday.  And thank goodness for that.  I went over to T’s house to work out and she had a routine for us to do.  She had pulled one of those weight lifting routines out of a fitness magazine so we did 2 reps of all of those.  I think that took us a little over half an hour.  Then we did 45 minutes on the treadmill.  We alternated 2 minutes/fast pace/low incline with 5 minutes/slow pace/high incline.

It wasn’t too bad, all in all.  I had to fall back a little in the jogging part of the treadmill.  I just couldn’t keep up.  But that’s something to work on, for sure.  And it was nice to have T there.  Afterwards another girl who lives in the complex met us and went to T’s house for a quick bite.  She made chicken Caesar salads. Yum!  And I headed home.

And good grief, I don’t know if it was the workout and endorphins and whatnot but Travis and I had the best romp when I got there.  H-O-T.  Loooooving that.  It was absolutely perfect, and just what I needed.

I will tell you one thing though.  That fucking workout kicked my ASS.  I am so sore today it’s ridiculous.  It hurts to sit because my quads are so sore from doing lunges and whatnot.  It’s good though.  I haven’t been sore from working out in a while.  I’ll definitely have to do it again with her next week.  It’s helpful having a friend there to help push me along.  She’s in better shape than me so I didn’t push her lol, but I think she enjoyed giving the instruction on what to do and sharing her knowledge with me.  It was nice 🙂  Oh, and me and the girls are doing a Zumba class Saturday morning.  Woohoo!  Can’t wait, I haven’t been in a few weeks.  I’ve just been doing it at home.

Well, enough slackin for me.  Back to work!



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January 13, 2011

I sorta like work outs like that, but not when I’m having to work through the pain… I need to work out. I’m such a slob.

January 13, 2011

congratsss i need to do something like that!