A Reason for Being

Day 3: What do you think is your reason for being here?

I suppose this question could be read a couple of different ways.  I’m going to run with this as a sort of “what’s the meaning of life” type of question.  I believe that the ultimate meaning of my life is to have an impact on others, and to be impacted by others.  I think we are here to live and love.  We are here to experience events and other people and food and sex and babies and marriage and freedom and restraint.  We are here to just… be.

And I guess if there was any overall theme here, it would be love.  I live for myself, but I also live for my family, my friends, my boyfriend – all people that I love and care about.  I am here to make their lives just a little better, hopefully.  I am here to support them when they need it, and let them support me when I need it.  I am here to love.  And be loved.

Nice and vague, huh? 😉 I thought this would be a long drawn out entry, but I suppose it ende dup being much simpler than I anticipated.



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January 11, 2011

Dontcha just love love? 🙂 I am glad you are here, for whatever reason it may be, my dear!

January 11, 2011

those questions always seem like “tricks” to me! But I like your answer!

January 11, 2011

Love is what makes the world go ’round. 😀 Entries like this remind me that life is good, no matter what, so thanks.

January 11, 2011

=] i love this entry