
First off, I had a wonderful Christmas.  I got to spend a ton of time with my family and got some killer gifts!  A bunch of stuff for the kitchen when I move out – stainless steel pots and pans, plates etc for 8, silverware, a coffee maker, toaster, set of knives, and tons of little odds and ends.  Plus I got Donkey Kong for the Wii which I played most of the day on Christmas, Travis got me a gift card to Borders (funny because I got him the same thing) and Travis’ mom got me Zumba for the Wii.  So I’m good to go.

I can’t express how much I needed that 4 day weekend.  It was great to just hang out and relax.

So.  All that being said, I’ve been in sort of a funk the last couple of days.  Not in a bad mood necessarily, just in a sort of numb mood again.  I’ve been having very vivid dreams, so my sleep isn’t as restful as I would like.  I have just been a bit anxious I guess.  And I’m not sure of the source.  I was really emotional last night too.  Travis and I started watching the first season of Sons of Anarchy (loved it btw), and we had pizza and just snuggled up on the couch.  But for some reason all day it felt like I was sort of on the verge of tears. 

STUPID EMOTIONAL GIRLY BULLSHIT. Lol.  So annoying.  I wish I could turn that shit off sometimes.

Anyway, I laid down in bed and Travis laid with me for a few minutes.  He went back to the living room to keep watching TV, and for some reason I started crying. Ugh. Why.  No reason to cry.  Nothing to cry about.  Good Lord.

Anyway, fell asleep and am feeling a little better this morning.  Still off, but better.  Today I’m feeling more anxious than anything.  Not sure where that’s coming from.  Ah well, what can ya do.  I’m going to Zumba tonight for the first time in a couple of weeks so I’m hoping that will help.

Right.  So this was a weird and very short entry but I better get back to work.  Here’s to calming the eff down. 🙂


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December 30, 2010

ryn, thanks

January 3, 2011

hiii, thank you for the note, it really made me smile. I’ve just been feeling down lately because I’m doing the long distance thing, and he’s not making it easy. I using this time to better myself, I need to feel better about myself. Anyways, here’s to a new year. Hope everything turn out well, I understand the whole anxiety thing. I feel it everyday of my life. Feel better though 🙂

January 4, 2011

nice gifts! I hope the emo girlies have gone away!